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娜塔莎也感到自己很幸运。Natasha felt lucky, too.

娜塔莎睡醒了,看见索尼娅。Natasha waked up and saw Sonya.

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由设计娜塔莎克弗来自俄罗斯。Designed by Natasha Klever from Russia.

每天晚上对娜塔莎来说,都是一场冒险。Every night was an adventure for Natasha.

13岁的娜塔莎在楼下冲着她的妈妈,米歇尔,喊道。Natasha calls downstairs to her mom, Michele.

大叔的歌唱使娜塔莎欣喜万分。Natasha was in ecstasies over the uncle's singing.

娜塔莎看出来这招是女王对她的母亲用过的。Natasha saw this in the Queens's fight with her mother.

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索尼娅、娜塔莎没脱衣服就在起居室睡了。Sonya and Natasha slept in the divan-room, without undressing.

“娜塔莎一定要和彼得·基里洛维奇伯爵见面。”她说。"Natasha insists on seeing Count Pyotr Kirillitch, " she said.

娜塔莎不能心平气和地望见他那副惨样子。Natasha could not see him in such a piteous plight without emotion.

娜塔莎长克里斯蒂1岁,但是姑娘们很快便成了朋友。Natasha was a year ahead of Kristen, but the girls became fast friends.

“索尼娅,穿一等,我们全都装得下的。”娜塔莎说。"Sonya, wait a little, and we'll pack it all without that, " said Natasha.

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而娜塔莎本人也需要延医诊治,他们强迫她和我一起来的。But Natasha herself had to see the doctors. They made her come away with me.

娜塔莎是个非常美丽的黑人女子非常强壮有一副健美运动员的身材。Natasha is a beautiful Afro-American woman. And very strong. A body builder.

娜塔莎敏捷的避开并抓住了女王的脚。把她猛拉在地上。Natasha quickly turns and grabs the Queen's foot, yanking her to the ground.

他满面愁容,自从娜塔莎上次和他见面以来,他变得更肥胖了。His face looked sad, and he had grown stouter since Natasha had seen him last.

娜塔莎笔直地坐在那里,用探究的目光时而望着父亲,时而凝视着皮埃尔。Natasha sat erect, looking inquisitively and directly from her father to Pierre.

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娜塔莎睁开一对好奇的眼睛,惊讶地瞧着索尼娅,沉默不言。With inquisitive , wondering eyes, Natasha gazed at Sonya, and she did not speak.

茱丽安与娜塔莎在家看新买来的高画质大萤幕平面电视。Julian and Natasha are watching their new widescreen, hi-definition, flatscreen TV.

“请您再弹一曲吧。”巴拉莱卡琴声一停止,娜塔莎就对着那扇门这样说。More, more, please, " said Natasha in the doorway, as soon as the balalaika ceased."