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楼厅第一排您要吗?Can you row a boat?

我们去划船吧。Let us go for a row.

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让我们荡起双桨。Let us row the oars.

他最后沦落到了流浪人的贫民区。He ended up on skid row.

划,划,划着你的小船。Row, row, row your boat.

让我的花开得成行成列!And row my blossoms o'er!

我可以坐在紧急出口的那排座位吗?Can I sit in an exit row?

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左右一排18门礼炮。A row about 18 door salute.

一串挂着的负鼠。A row of hanging oppossums.

让我们的花开得成列成行!And row our blossoms o'ver!

他划起船来就像北欧海盗一般。He could row like a Viking.

让我们再来看看第二行。Let's look at row two also.

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排着队跳着往外溜。So they dance off in a row.

但在这里,我们只显示了第一行。We only show the first row.

紧急出口旁的那排座位怎么样?How about the emergency row?

最后一排,还是那位同学Same person in the last row.

此表只包含一行。This table has only one row.

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他种植了一行洋白菜。He planted a row of cabbages.

拳击手一连击倒了五个对手。The boxer KOed five in a row.

我当时坐在后排。I was sitting in the back row.