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超手性光束还可能有助于寻找外星生命。Superchiral light could even aid the search for extraterrestrial life.

人们认为,他们是天外来客或地心孩子。It is believed that they were Extraterrestrial or Hollow Earth Children.

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以下是6项人造的东西,它们被错误地归因于地外生命的影响。Here are 6 man-made things falsely attributed to extraterrestrial influence.

以下是10项人造的东西,它们被错误地回因于地外生命的影响。Here are 10 man-made things falsely attributed to extraterrestrial influence.

以下是10项人造的东西,它们被错误地归因于地外生命的影响。Here are 10 man-made things falsely attributed to extraterrestrial influence.

有关未来若何接待外星访客一向存有争议。Opinion is divided about how future extraterrestrial visitors should be greeted.

一块外星飞船碎片已在俄罗斯斯彼尔姆地区被发现。A fragment of an extraterrestrial spaceship has been found in Russia's Perm region.

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至于“遥控指导”的问题,他没有排除外星人的帮助。On the question of 'external guidance', he does not rule out extraterrestrial help.

他们最新的航天计划将包括太空行走,这是中国航天史上的第一次。Their latest extraterrestrial project will include a space walk, the nation's first.

天外来客对地球的撞击与白垩纪的物种灭绝事件有着最为密切的联系。An extraterrestrial impact is most closely linked to the Cretaceous extinction event.

另外他还推理了对于是否存在外星生命的可能回答。He theorized that there are possible answers to whether there is extraterrestrial life.

两个月后,美国航天局的研究人员收集到了数百个外星岩石。Two months later, NASA-led researchers collected hundreds of the extraterrestrial rocks.

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其他一些令人兴奋的可能性是泰坦星可能是外星生物的大本营。Another exciting possibility is that Titan might be a cauldron for extraterrestrial life.

事实上寻找外星生命也涉及一些基于地球的科学。The search for extraterrestrial life actually involves some Earth- centered science, too.

一般认为微球粒有地外和地内两种成因。Generally thinking, microspherulites are of both extraterrestrial and terrestrial origins.

一位俄国航天学家周一宣布到2031年,地球人类将会遇见外星生命。Russian astronomer claimed Monday that humans will encounter extraterrestrial life by 2031.

一位俄国航天学家周一宣布到2031年,地球人类将会遇见外星生命。A Russian astronomer claimed Monday that humans will encounter extraterrestrial life by 2031.

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外星种族来地球殖民同样是个令人难以置信的想法。Equally implausible is the notion that an extraterrestrial race would want to colonize Earth.

但牢记各种广泛流行的关于搜寻地外生命的描述很可能是错的。But it's important to keep in mind that popular depictions of extraterrestrial life are likely wrong.

是否有外星生物造访过地球的争论日后另作别论。Whether or not extraterrestrial entities are visiting earth is an argument for another time and place.