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因此,评分员培训过程并没有像预期的那样效果明显。So the rater training process was not as effective as we have expected.

公司拥有现代化的生产设备和相当完备的配套设施。It owns modern produce equipment and rater complete necessary facilities.

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我宁愿整日泡在南方的海水里,也不愿像北方人一样,穿着厚厚的衣服。I'd rater bathe in a southern sea than wear thick clothes as northerners do.

瓦特看着冒气的水壶好长一段时间,这让他的姑妈很恼火。Watt watched a steaming kettle for quite a while, which rater annoyed his aunt.

但如果门槛过低,证券的发行者将涌向最宽松的评级机构。If barriers are too low, however, issuers will go rating-shopping to the laxest rater.

培训后评分员对个别考生的偏颇性没有明显减少。There is a little reduction of individual biases toward certain examinees after rater training.

如果您的回答是肯定的上述任何一个问题,纸评价者可能是你的问题的答案。If you answered yes to any of these questions, Paper Rater might be the answer to your problems.

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占主导地位的模式,即由债券发行方直接付费给评级方的模式,使得两者关系更为和谐。The dominant model, in which the bond issuer pays the rater directly, encouraged cosiness between the two.

有经验和没经验的评分员在培训前后宽严度和内部一致性有差异。Experienced and inexperienced raters differ in their severity and intra-rater consistency before and after rater training.

得到了幂律指数介于2到3之间可调的无标度网络模型,并解析地给出了幂律指数随增长率变化的函数关系。This network shows scale-free property when the growing rater is not large, and its power-law exponent is tunable from 2 to 3 thr.

现付成本与现销收入常规的分析调整是采取“逐步式”的方法,一步到位的方法更准确、快速。The regulating analysis of cash cost and cash sale is the way called"step by step", but the meteoric way is rater accurate and fast.

本文首先从语言测试角度,回顾了评分员信度、评分员不一致性及偏颇性等相关文献。This paper gives introduction to the relevant literature on rater reliability, rater variability and bias in the field of language testing.

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在一些国家,父母尤其不愿把女孩子送到学校读书,由于习惯上重男轻女的缘故吧。In some countries parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rater than girls.

介绍了判断重测信度、同质信度和评分者一致性信度的方法和数量标准。Introduced were the methods and numeric standards for judging the retest reliability, the homogeneity reliability and the rater consistence reliability.

几乎所有的评分员都对培训持积极态度,一些评分员就高考写作评分员培训过程提出了自己的意见和建议。Almost all raters hold an optimistic view of rater training effect. Some raters put up their opinions and suggestions on the improvement of training process.

并通过重测信度测验、评分者信度测验和效度测验等方式对评价指标体系实施了再评价。And through testing by test-retest reliability, rater reliability and validity test, this study carried out the re-evaluation on the evaluation index system.

但是,多系列相关方法虽然能够揭示多评分员之间的一致性程度,却是以牺牲个体评分员之间的关联程度信息为代价的。However, though serial correlation method can reveal the consistency degree of many raters, it is at the cost of the relevance degree information of individual rater.

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并且对高考评分员进行了随机问卷调查,研究他们对高考英语写作评分员培训过程的意见和建议。Furthermore, a questionnaire is designed to examine the attitude of NMET raters towards rater training and ask for their suggestions on the improvement of training process.

RATER指数是世界公认客户服务质量评估工具,其同样适用于地方政府服务质量的评估与完善。Widely accepted by the world, RATER index is an assessment tool of customer service quality, which can also be used for the assessment and improvement of the local government service quality.

培训后,评分员宽严度的扩散程度减弱,评分员之间宽严度水平趋于一致,但仍存在一定的差异。The spread of rater severities after rater training is to some extent reduced, and raters are more agreed with each other in their severity levels, but some differences among raters still exist.