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耶和华阿,求你使我们被掳的人归回,好像南地的河水复流。Restore our fortunes, O Lord , like streams in the Negev.

那时,以撒住在南地,刚从庇耳.拉海.莱回来。Now Isaac had come from Beer Lahai Roi, for he was living in the Negev.

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内格夫成为许多庙宇和教堂的宗教中心。The Negev became a religious center with many monasteries and churches.

其中的第三章是关于种子传播的。Seed Dispersal and Seed Predation of Plants Species in the Negev Desert.

几十年前奥维兹家族来到这里时,以色列内盖维都是沙漠,土地贫瘠。Israel's Negev desert was all but barren when the Ovitz family settled here decades ago.

南地和棕树城耶利哥的平原,直到琐珥,都指给他看。the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar.

住在迦南南地的迦南人亚拉得王,听说以色列人来了。The Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the Negev of Canaan, heard that the Israelites were coming.

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这种植物每年吸收的水量是内盖夫沙漠地区其它小叶植物的16倍。That is 16 times the amount of water harvested by the small-leafed plants of the Negev desert region.

由于使用了灌溉法,犹太人将内盖夫沙漠的部分地区变成了肥沃的良田。By using irrigation, the Israelis have turned parts of the Negev Desert into a land of milk and honey.

来自内盖夫沙漠的沙尘暴呼啸而至,吹得头顶的风铃悲鸣不已。A sandstorm was blowing in from the Negev desert, setting the wind chime singing mournfully above our heads.

该核电厂是内盖夫和研究中心的一部分,相信是被用作生产核武器的机密地区。The plant is part of the Negev Nuclear Research Center, a classified area believed to be used for nuclear weapons production.

这个国家得到相当多的阳光,而像内盖夫沙漠以南一带的区域仍然运作着一块开放的空间。The country gets an inordinate amount of sun, and areas like the Negev Desert in the south still sport quite a bit of open space.

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他从南地渐渐往伯特利去,到了伯特利和艾的中间,就是从前支搭帐棚的地方From the Negev he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier

后来犹大人下去,与住山地,南地,和高原的迦南人争战。After that, the men of Judah went down to fight against the Canaanites living in the hill country, the Negev and the western foothills.

内盖夫地区在以色列的南部与埃及和吸纳半岛接壤,它占到以色列陆地面积的百分之50以上。The Negev makes up more than 50 per cent of Israel's land area to the south of the country near it's border with Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula.

但是,以色列政府官员一直坚持认为,部落的内盖夫需要为新的劳动力的行业,有计划。But Israeli government officials have long insisted that the tribesmen are needed as a labor force for new industries that are planned for the Negev.

如果这项植树计划在内盖夫沙漠试验成功的话,或许在世界上许多因干燥而使植物难以生长的不毛之地,都可以植树造林的。If this tree-planting experiment works in the Negev Desert, forests might be able to grow in many barren parts of the world that are too dry for most trees.

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俄新网报道称,内盖夫市居民有震感,2000公里以外的欧洲数个国家也记录到低频波。Russia's new network reported that the Negev city residents have felt, 2000 km away from the European countries also recorded a number of low-frequency waves.

这项研究是由经济学家指挥的,在以色列内盖夫的Ben-Gurion大学进行,他们向超过2,600名打出有职位空缺广告的雇主邮寄了5,312份简历。The study, conducted by economists at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, sent 5,312 résumés to more than 2,600 employers who had advertised job openings.

三中队的新飞机预计将业务从拉蒙空军基地的内心深处,内盖夫2008年与第一击抵港的飞机在下个月。Three squadrons of the new aircraft are expected to be operational from the Ramon airbase deep inside the Negev by 2008 with the first strike aircraft arriving next month.