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你可以从他的眼中看出“来床上”的表情。色狼。You can see that ' come to bed ' look in his eyes. The Lothario.

瘦猴除了是个大饭桶,还是个大色狼。Poor clever boy besides it is a big big eater, still be a big Lothario.

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他告诉所有的女人他是真心诚意的,然而她们都心知肚明,知道他一位好色男。He told all the women that he was sincere, but they knew he was just a lothario.

偶的朋友不论男女,多为色狼,见到此情此景都欢呼雀跃,鼓掌尖叫。Occasionally friend no matter men and women, it is Lothario more, see to this affection this scene cheers caper, applause shriek.

他是结过三次婚的口袋护套登徒子,总是携带者一名年轻貌美的女下属频繁出席商业活动。He's the thrice-married Lothario of the pocket-protector set, frequently attending business events with a beautiful young subordinate on his arm.

谁知,刚拍下一张照片,被骚扰的女孩就下车了,“色狼”周围只剩下男人,无从下手。Who knows, just took below one piece of picture, the girl that is annoyed got off, " Lothario " all round remain a man only, do not know how to start.

从目前的“性教育”来看,有多少“色狼”是正规“性教育”结下的“恶果”?From current " the gender is taught " in light of, how many is there " Lothario " be normal " is the gender taught " below the knot " evil consequence " ?

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一天,小森在拥挤的地铁上被一位白领女郎错当成色狼抓住,他无言地忍受了对方的责骂。One day, small dark on congested subway Lothario be regardinged as by fault of a white-collar young woman is captured, he stood the other side dumbly scold.

即使是一个花花公子,他心碎的时候也需要心理上的宣泄,于是周慕云开始写一个发生在2046的故事,那一年香港将完全大陆化。Even a broken-hearted lothario needs to make ends meet, so Mo-wan serializes a story set in 2046, the year of Hong Kong's final reintegration into the mainland.

一天夜里,色狼真的来了,却被子扬打退,嘉文此时以为误会了子扬,遂邀子扬吃饭。In a day of night, lothario came really, however quilt raise beats back, fine article thinks right now misunderstood child raise, invite then child raise has a meal.

你的老板如今违反了职业与个人生活之间所有的传统分界线,她待你就像一位密友,令你感到有义务告诉她有关那位浪荡合租者的事情。Your boss has now breached all the usual divides between professional and personal life and by treating you like an intimate, she makes you feel you ought to tell her about your lothario flatmate.

你的老板如今违反了职业与个人生活之间所有的传统分界线,她待你就像一位密友,令你感到有义务告诉她有关那位浪荡合租者的事情。Your boss has now breached all the usual divides between professional and personal life and by treating you like an intimate, she makes you feel you ought to tell her about your lothario flatmate.