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明尼苏达州的红湖保护区Red Lake Reservation, Minnesota

我住在明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯市,这可是美国中部最北边的一个州。I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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在开往明尼苏达圣克劳的巴士上。On a bus to St. Cloud, Minnesota.

那是明尼苏达州的一个秋天。It was an autumn day in Minnesota.

他们的下一场比赛是本周五客战森林狼。Their next game is Friday at Minnesota.

这几张都是在明尼苏达州拍的照片…These pictures were taken in Minnesota.

礼物,在明尼苏达这些苍白的湖底。Gift, beneath the pale lakes of Minnesota.

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德州奥斯丁大学教授A。University of Minnesota professor Richard A.

发生在美国?美国将与明尼苏达州打战吗?In America? Is the USA going to war with Minnesota?

明尼苏达从此次交易中另有现金进帐。Minnesota also receives cash considerations in the deal.

明尼苏达公共电台录的一小时节目就很棒Minnesota Public Radio does a fabulous hour-long program.

大会定于9月1日在明尼苏达州圣保罗市开幕。The convention starts September 1 in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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在威斯康星和明尼苏达南部的丘陵地带的农业地区。In the hilly farmlands of southern Wisconsin and Minnesota.

他们看到了密西西比河和明尼苏达河的汇合处。They saw the junction of the mississippi and the minnesota.

这是我在明尼苏达州北部所发现的一只黄鼠的照片。This is a picture of a weasel I found in Northern Minnesota.

灰狗汽车公司原址博物馆座落在明尼苏达的希宾镇。The greyhound bus origin museum is located in hibbing minnesota.

当时明尼苏达大学正经历一个令人同情的橄榄球赛季。The University of Minnesota was having a pitiful football season.

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明华中文学校迎来了她的第十个生日!Minnesota Minghua Chinese School is celebrating its 10th birthday!

第111届参议院开会时,伊利诺伊州和明尼苏达州的两位议员缺席。The 111th Senate began with empty seats from Illinois and Minnesota.

烟火照亮了明尼苏达州玻鲁斯的一间谷仓的上空。Fireworks light up the sky over a grain elevator in Bowlus, Minnesota.