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,我们是如何消去db的呢?db How do we get rid of db?

信号-噪音12分贝马克斯。Signal-to-Noise Level 12 dB max.

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我们求解出了用dθ来表示的。db And, we can solve for db in terms of d theta.

检查内存使用情况前,重置从动符号DB。Reset driven symbol DB before memory usage checking.

这意味着实际上我们知道怎样求解。db That means that actually we know how to solve for db.

下图是从数据库中读取一条数据。Net, one for NHibernate, one for our caching db and another for Log4Net.

如果你根据一组静态数据写测试的话,那么你就会逐渐与真正运行中数据库背道而驰。If you go against a known static set, you slowly deviate from the live db.

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离岛兽医服务,香港大屿山愉景湾愉景广场B座G10。Island Veterinary Services, G10, Block B, DB Plaza, Discovery Bay, Hong Kong.

离岛兽医服务,香港大屿山愉景湾愉景广场B座G10。Island Veterinary Services Ltd, G10, Block B, DB Plaza, Discovery Bay, Hong Kong.

CakePHP如何设置数组值,这样我就可以在我的数据库将在同一时间两个记录?Cakephp how to set array values so i can insert two records at same time on my DB?

这能够简化将持久层修改为非关系数据库的过程。This enables ease of changing the persistence layer to a non-relational DB as well.

担保在设计-建造期和运营期,业主应该要求什么样的担保?Securities What form of securities should the Employer require during DB and Operation?

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有没有必要写后端,DB和事件推荐系统到位。There is no need to write the back-end, DB and event recommendation system is in place.

对于需要访问数据库的页面,页面渲染时间与数据库访问相关。For pages that require hitting the database, page render times are related to db access.

风险的分配在设计—建筑和运营期,风险如何处理和分配?Risk Allocation How should risks be handled and allocated during DB and Operation periods?

立体声通道分离五零分贝和低谐波失真测试的调频立体声接收机。Stereo channel separation of 50 dB and low harmonic distortion for testing FM stereo receivers.

我们得到接下来的表达式,K无穷等于,的平方加上1除以∑DB We get the following expression. K infinity equals D B A squared plus one divided by Sigma A.

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根据数据库的显示,其对GDP的影响往往会在较大财政困难时影响越大。And its impact on GDP tends to be magnified in times of great financial distress, according to DB.

我在展望将来会出现一系列分别用于Web、应用和数据库服务器的功能完善的工具镜像文件。I'm envisioning something like a set of complete images for web, app, and db servers respectively.

基于AWS使用多可用性区域、DB错误恢复与负载均衡器搭建了一个网站。built a reliable website on AWS using multiple availability zones, DB failover, and load balancers.