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哈罗德。莎宝先生有电话。We have a call for Mr. Harold Sabin.

一个名叫萨宾的人研发出了,一种口服小儿麻痹症疫苗An oral polio vaccine was developed by a man named Sabin.

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为了预防脑灰质炎,沙宾疫苗使用的是虚弱的病毒。To prevent polio, the Sabin vaccine uses a weakened form of the virus.

Dr彼得Hotez是萨宾疫苗研究所在华盛顿总统。Dr Peter Hotez is the president of Sabin Vaccine Institute in Washington.

“我觉得我有必要这么做,因为我的家庭病史,”萨宾说。“I felt I needed to do this because with my family history, ” Sabin says.

在沙宾疫苗,即口服小儿麻痹症疫苗中,存在非致病性病毒In the Sabin vaccine, or the oral polio vaccine, now you have a non-virulent virus.

口服OPV后恒河猴粪便中均可分离到3个型的疫苗病毒。After being immunized with OPV, 3 types′ Sabin polioviruses could be isolated from the stool of Rhesus monkeys.

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萨宾是数百万个正经历着记忆丧失,并有可能最终诊断为痴呆症的美国人之一。Sabin is one of millions of Americans who experience memory loss and may eventually be diagnosed with dementia.

萨宾口服脊髓灰质炎减毒疫苗以及抗结核卡介苗便是这类疫苗的例子。The Sabin oral antipolio vaccine and the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis are examples of this type of vaccine.

最初在设计中确定混响时间的方法是利用W·C·赛宾在本世纪初提出的计算公式。The original method to confirm reverberation time in designs is to use computational formula W . C. Sabin put forward in early century.

“我一直在找我的手机,找了三天了,但是你相信吗,我发现它就躺在柜台上,”萨宾说,“它就在那儿,我在想我为什么之前没看到它呢?”“I had been looking for my cell phone for three days and would you believe I found it laying on the counter in plain sight?,” Sabin says.

正是这些沮丧的事情驱使萨宾参加了U—M赞助研究,它旨在在痴呆症加重之前能对它进行较好的诊断和治疗。It is that frustration that motivated Sabin to participate in U-M sponsored research designed to better diagnose and treat dementia before it escalates.

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沙宾认为,活性不足以致病、但仍可复制的活病毒疫苗,最能够模拟因自然感染所产生的保护作用。Sabin believed that live vaccines, which can replicate somewhat but are too weak to trigger disease, best mimic the protection acquired through natural infection.

“主流厂牌与目前乐界实际状态之间是有差别的,因为总体说来越来越多的女性做起了这一行,”Sabin说。"There's a difference between major label music and the actual state of what's going on in music, because there's been a lot more women playing in general," Sabin said.

“主流厂牌与目前乐界实际状态之间是有差别的,因为总体说来越来越多的女性做起了这一行,”Sabin说。"There's a difference between major label music and the actual state of what's going on in music, because there's been a lot more women playing in general, " Sabin said.

“我一直在找我的手机,找了三天了,但是你相信吗,我发现它就躺在柜台上,”萨宾说,“它就在那儿,我在想我为什么之前没看到它呢?”“I had been looking for my cell phone for three days and would you believe I found it laying on the counter in plain sight?, ” Sabin says. “There it was and I thought why didn’t I see it before?”