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第三十条子项目延期验收。Thirtieth sliver item deferred acceptance.

明天是我们结婚30周年纪念日。Tomorrow is our thirtieth wedding anniversary.

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约翰在比赛的第30分钟踢进一球。John scored a goal in the thirtieth minute of the match.

女士们,你们真的需要那30双鞋?Ladies, did you really need that thirtieth pair of shoes?

一弧秒的移动是一毫米的三十分之一。One second of arc movement is one thirtieth of a millimetre.

周日,我希望我能打进代表米兰的第三十个球。On Sunday, I hope to score my thirtieth goal in a Milan jersey.

他们的最佳前锋鲁明在30分钟时射进一球。Their best striker,Lu Ming,scored in the thirtieth minute.Earlier

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十二月十八标志着约翰列侬逝世三十周年。December eighth marked the thirtieth anniversary of John Lennon's death.

三万三千人认为星期四是他们三十岁生日。Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday.

三万三千人认为星期四是他们的第三十个生日。Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday.

博览会将进行在蒲月一日和十月在三十个完毕。The Expo will be held on the first of May and end on the thirtieth of October.

开发的第二个方面是第二十次和第三十届街道之间。The second area that was developed is between Twentieth and Thirtieth streets.

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凯特在三十岁生日后的第二天离开了麦克斯和她的朋友莎思卡搬进了新房子。Kaat leaves Max the day after her thirtieth birthday and moves in with her friend Sascha.

在某些方面,美国的第三十任总统是与众不同的领导国家的人。America's thirtieth president was, in some ways, an unusual kind of person to lead the country.

于是,在三十岁那年的春天,芭蕉遵循俳谐诗人的传统,出门旅行。So in the spring of his thirtieth year, Issa set out traveling in the tradition of haiku poets.

周五,盖茨在他将于6月30日卸任国防部长前,发表了最后一份政策演说。On Friday, Mr. Gates gave his last policy speech before he retires as defense secretary on June thirtieth.

第三十条行政机关工作人员与信访事项或者信访人有直接利害关系的,应当回避。Article thirtieth executive staff with the petitions, or letters and have a direct interest in people, it should be avoided.

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在她三十岁生日时,他们在她的办公桌上放了一个玩具皇冠,上面用擦不掉的记号笔歪歪扭扭写着“啮齿动物女皇”。The Rodent Queen—on her thirtieth birthday, they had left a toy crown on her desk, the words scrawled on with permanent marker.

犹大王亚撒利雅三十九年,迦底的儿子米拿现登基,在撒马利亚作以色列王十年。In the nine and thirtieth year of Azariah king of Judah began Menahem the son of Gadi to reign over Israel, and reigned ten years in Samaria.

深圳是一座年轻而富有朝气的城市,今年恰逢深圳特区成立三十周年。Shenzhen is a young and vibrant city. This year it happens to be the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.