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但是我老感觉吃起来很是吊胃口。Old but I feel it is to eat up tantalize.

把那块骨头给那条狗吧--别让它干着急了。Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him.

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把骨头给那条狗吧别让它干着急了。Give the dog the bone—don't tantalize him.

把那块骨头给那条狗吧--别让它干着急了。Give the dog the bone do not tantalize him.

那个男孩会到房间里拿狗食逗弄狗。The boy would come into the room and tantalize the dog with his feed.

转开玻璃刀片,在皮肤上滑动,已达到挑逗和调情的效果。Unfold glass blade and glide across the skin to tantalize and arouse.

我就想知道你最近在干什么?别跟我卖关子文国!I want to know what you do these days! Don't tantalize me again veduchina!

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它给你头晕目眩的视觉和听觉感受。It has graphics that dazzle your visual sense and sounds that tantalize your ears.

所以在前戏时,让他用嘴或口腔挑逗你约10分钟,让你先接近高潮边缘。Have him tantalize you manually or orally for 10 minutes so you're close to the edge.

这个迷人组合必将吊胃口超过200艺术提供场地,为每一个口味。This fascinating mix is bound to tantalize with over 200 art venues offering something for every taste.

体贴心细的女主人将草莓油酥糕从桌上拿走,这样那些担心体重的客人就不会因看到却吃不着而难受了。The considerate hostess removed the strawberry shortcake from the table so as not to tantalize her weight-conscious guest.

他们想拉中国“下水”,承担冷战时期他们所犯下的错误,同时又希望借此分化中国与广大发展中国家之间的关系。These people are trying to tantalize China into a mishap that they started in the cold-war period and alienate her from vast majority of the developing countries.

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纯熟、浓郁的黑色果香让您不禁怦然心动,而黑色樱桃和洋李的芬芳带着一丝黑胡椒的辛辣充斥着您的味蕾,在平衡的果酸伴随下使这款佳酿余味悠长。Ripe, rich black fruit tantalize the nose. On the palette there is black cherry, plum with subtle hints of all spice and black pepper, all framed by acids which balance the long finish.

除了用音响玩具外,大人还可以拍拍手、学小猫“喵呜”叫、学小狗“汪汪”叫等逗引小儿,使他作出向声音方向的转头反应。In addition to toy with the sound, the adults can sit back and relax, learn cat "meow woo" call, learn dog "bark" call so tantalize children, so he turned to the direction of the voice response.