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所有的难题再困难的我们都遇过了。We met with the greatest difficulty imaginable.

于是芬兰女人就把格尔达抱到驯鹿的背上。它尽快地飞跑。Reindeer's back, and off he ran with all imaginable speed.

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丹麦士兵伤情比想象的还要更严重。The Danish soldier has some of the worst injuries imaginable.

符号学涉及几乎任何学科。Semiotics has expanded into every imaginable aspect of thought.

当她还处在坏女孩时期,她是人们所能想象到的最坏的女孩。When she was in her bad-girl phase, she was the baddest imaginable.

而且,Belcher研制的电池还可以做成任何想象的形状。But Belcher’s batteries can be engineered into any shape imaginable.

可以想象,违反婚约将损害他的形象。It is imaginable that breaking the engagement will damage his image.

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看看这些科隆狂欢节参与者的打扮,发挥你的想象吧。And what do those visiting Karneval dress up as? Everything imaginable.

唱一首关于母亲之死的歌,抒发心底最深的痛?Expose the deepest pain imaginable by singing about your mother's death?

要迎合他们的口味,准备应对每一个想象得到的错误。Cater to their needs, and be prepared to handle every imaginable mistake.

可以想像,我曾经是西方媒体的最忠实听众。It is imaginable that I was the most loyal audience of the western media.

如今有了干细胞技术,也就有了两条途径可选。Now with stem cell technology there are two pathways that are imaginable.

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越来越多的云计算提供商提供了任何可以想象到的服务水平承诺。You will see a growing number of Cloud providers with all imaginable SLAs.

事实上南朝陈政权的祖先在很大程度上就是胡公满,因而他的祭祀合情合理。In fact, the forefather of Chen rooted from Hugongman, so it was imaginable.

你们还真有想象力,最后终于把四季美食给找齐了。How imaginable you are! Finally you find all the specialties for the whole year.

就这样,我们的英雄没费吹灰之力就干成了大事。Thus did our hero execute the greatest exploits with the utmost ease imaginable.

你得知道在中国人看来做这种手术是最愚蠢的事情。You have to know that in Chinesethinking this is the stupidest thing imaginable.

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他们心醉神迷地发着光,与所能想象的最明亮的爱、欢乐、和喜悦一起闪烁。They glow ecstatically, ablaze with the brightest love, happiness and joy imaginable.

就在你下方,不过是在50英里开外的,是一片你能想象到的最荒凉的不毛之地。Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.

他们心醉神迷地发着光,与所能想象的最明亮的爱、乐、喜悦一起闪烁。They glow ecstatically , ablaze with the brightest love, happiness and joy imaginable.