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就数目多寡而言,电影赢了。On majoritarian grounds, the movies win.

就数量多寡而言,电影赢了。On majoritarian grounds, the movies win.

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他对一种权利压倒多数主义专制的形成做过预言。He predicted the formation of a rights-crushing majoritarian tyranny.

随着战争胜利的到来,“多数主义僧伽罗佛教徒”运动将勃兴。The "majoritarian Sinhala Buddhist" campaign will get shriller as the war victory arrives.

就此意义而言,总统职能与多数主义模式的民主政治更接近。In that sense, the presidency functions more in keeping with the majoritarian model of democracy.

然而很多穆斯林把这次土地转移看做是印度教沙文主义的严重侵略。Many Muslims, however, see the transfer as an act of majoritarian aggression by Hindu chauvinists.

多元社会挑战了多数决式的民主,也连带挑战了法院。Today, a plural society has been posing great challenges to majoritarian democracy, thus threatening the role of court.

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国会一般直接采取少数服从多数和比例代表制来选举。The houses of parliament are popularly and directly elected by a mixed majoritarian and proportional representation system.

哈耶克尤其对那种多数民主制所导出的干涉主义政府表示担忧——其只具有表面上的合法性。Hayek was especially worried about the appearance of legitimacy that majoritarian democracy lends to the interventionist state.

总统制之下,可能出现多数政府,但也可能出现分裂政府。However, in France, despite it was presidential system or the semi-presidential system, the majoritarian government stands all the time.

由于权力在多个政府机制之间如此分散,美国体制可以说没有达到多数主义民主政治的最高标准。Because power is so decentralized among government institutions, the U.S. system can be said to fall short of the highest standard of majoritarian democracy.

美国模式的民主政府,即多元民主政体,与基于多数原则的民主政体相比有许多优点,并且反映了美国开国先辈的建国理想。The American model of democratic government, pluralist democracy, has a number of advantages over the majoritarian model, and these reflect the Founders’ vision for America.

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多数决制的支持者认为选举在政策制定过程中起了更加直接的作用,而且认为把政策制定权交给民意代表们是不理想的。Proponents of the majoritarian vision claim that elections play a more direct role in policy making and it is not ideal to leave policy making to complex between representatives.

其中最显著的两个形式是以英美为典型的多数民主以及以瑞士和以色列为典型的协商民主。The two most prominent forms are majoritarian democracies like those found in the U. S. and Great Britain and consensual democracies, found in countries like Switzerland and Israel.

他在平民百姓中声望颇高,一直与特权财富进行着斗争,并且在他的帮助下组建了一个崭新的大众政治性政党,杰克逊推动发展了权力平等和多数民主的理念。In his appeals to the common man, his attacks on privileged wealth, and his help in building a new sort of mass political party, he advanced the causes of equal rights and majoritarian democracy.

透过统计模型的分析,本文更进一步发现除了选民政党认同会影响选票基础外,区域席次改采单一选区多数决后,制度的结构诱因确实发挥了预期效果。The statistical result shows that, after adopting the Mixed-Member Majoritarian System in the district Representatives, the dominant parties took the advantage by attracting more votes than before.