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琼恩问红衣女祭司。Jon asked the red priestess.

你在玩什么把戏,女祭司?What game are you playing, priestess?

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他自己的恶魔之血,以及一个人类女祭司。His own devil's blood and a mortal priestess.

守卫,我请求觐见高等月神牧师。Sentinel , I would speak with your High Priestess.

我是阿卡拉,目盲之眼这个修女会的高等女教士。I am Akara, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye.

听取意见的美丽女祭司和感觉自己是法老!Listen to advises of beautiful priestess and feel yourself a Pharaoh!

卡茵克是一位伊渥克女祭司,深居恩多卫星的森林。Kaink is an Ewok priestess living deep in the forests of the moon of Endor.

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在孩子的注视下,巫女不禁笑了,他们友好的回应她。The priestess blossomed under the children's attentions and they responded in kind.

她是格得的旧相识,孩提时代就被带到峨团岛上的古墓受训成为最高女祭司。Tenar was once a priestess that guarded the dark Tombs of Atuan when she was a girl.

玩家认为一个暗夜精灵猎人应该成为月之女祭司,对吧?People had been thinking that a Night Elf Hunter would become a Priestess of the Moon.

在后来的几个月里,事实证明了这个巫女的远见卓识与出色的能力。Over the next few months, the priestess proved to be a knowledgeable and capable replacement.

她们和修女很相似,宗教仪式也与性完全无关,她们或者更像是女祭司。They were almost like nuns and it had nothing to do with sex.It was more like being a priestess.

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女祭司常常是位受人尊敬的年长妇女,进入入定状态与上帝交流。A priestess Pithiness, usually a respected older woman, went intoatrancetocommunicate withthegods.

自从奈落死后,她仍旧以巫女的身份云游四方,救治病人。After Naraku was destroyed, she continued to travel as a priestess and continued to heal the sick.

当她遇见求助的女祭司拉她给她的帮助和提供五花八门的一团。When she meets the help-seeking priestess Teela she offers her assistance and provides a motley troupe.

高高浮于注定要毁灭的狗头人之上,祭司从腰带上抽出了一根细长的黑色法杖,开始低声吟唱祷文。Looming over the doomed kobold, the priestess drew a slender black wand from her belt and began to chant softly.

女祭司一成不变地看着西南方,所以舍姆森换了一块石头,自顾自地探察着军队。The priestess invariably looked to the southwest, so Shemsen chose a different stone and spotted the army himself.

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桔梗是负责守护四魂之玉的巫女,这意味着她必须过一种孤独的生活。Kikyo was a priestess in charge of keeping the Shikon Jewel safe, meaning that she had to live a very solitary life.

泰兰德·语风,作为现任高阶月之女祭司和玛法里奥的伴侣,在暗夜精灵社会执行了一次大改革。Tyrande, now high priestess of Elune and Malfurion's mate, implemented sweeping changes throughout night elf society.

她也是玛格达的伊师塔神庙的高级祭司,这样她会是鸽子的看守人。She was also high priestess of the temple of ishtar at magdala and as such she would have been the keeper of the doves.