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NLRB正在推动卡片检查的过程中扮演着同样大胆的角色。NLRB is playing an equally audacious role in pushing card-check.

以把这一议题带上法庭的方式,NLRB希望它从公众的讨论中消失。By taking the issue to the courts, the NLRB hopes to remove it from the public discourse.

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如果NLRB推翻这一决定,它将摧毁劳动者借以对抗非自愿工会化的主要保护伞。If the NLRB overturns the decision, it will destroy the principal protection workers have against involuntary unionization.

作为回应,NLRB实现了它的威胁,提起了对亚利桑那州的法律诉讼并答应还将带来更多的挑战。In response, NLRB made good on its threat, filing a lawsuit against the Arizona measure and promising more challenges to come.

在国家劳工关系委员会将决定,除其他事项,容易或组织到工会组织护士执业困难。The NLRB will determine, among other matters, the ease or difficulty of organizing nurse practitioners into labor organizations.

这NLRB正在寻求法院命令,请求波音787,以维持其第二装配线在西北安定洋,一个IAMAW据点。The NLRB is seeking a court order that would require Boeing to maintain its second 787 assembly line in the Pacific Northwest, an IAMAW stronghold.

在本科阶段我的主修是劳资关系,随后因为我想了解工人阶级所遇到的问题,所以就去了NLRB工作。I had studied industrial and labor relations as an undergraduate, and I later went to work at the NLRB because I was drawn to the issues facing the working class.

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在NLRB实习完后,我进入了马萨诸塞州的综合医院。在那我完成了医学院预科要求。同时也大开眼界并提高了我的实践技能。After completing my NLRB internship, I took a position at Massachusetts General Hospital to broaden my practical skills while finishing my pre-medical requirements.

NLRB坚称依照美国宪法的最高条款,如果联邦法律与各州法律出现冲突,后者必须让步——即各州法律被联邦法律“捷足先登”。The NLRB argues that under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, if federal and state laws collide, the latter must yield—that is, the state law is "pre-empted" by federal law.

今年早些时候,NLRB的攻势震动了整个商业世界,它对波音提出了指控,意图迫使波音放弃在南卡罗莱纳开办组装厂的计划。Earlier this year, NLRB fired a shot heard round the business world when it brought charges against Boeing, seeking to force it to abandon plans to open an assembly plant in South Carolina.