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杰克是她唯一的后代。Jack is her only offspring.

乃是他愿人得虔诚的后裔。Because he was seeking godly offspring.

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家禽鸟类,红原鸡的后代。Offspring or descendants considered as a group.

基因A让动物关心后代。Gene "A" makes an animal care for its offspring.

我们是她众多王国中某一个的后裔。We are the offspring of one of Her many kingdoms.

这匹小公马是两匹冠军马的幼仔。The colt is the offspring of two racing champions.

一胎多仔的动物一次生的后代。the offspring at one birth of a multiparous mammal.

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狼和狗能够异种交配而且繁育后代。Wolves and dogs can interbreed and produce offspring.

所应许的原是向亚伯拉罕和他的子孙说的The promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring.

它是“伦伦”及其配偶“阳阳”的第三胎。He is the panda's third offspring with her mate, Yang Yang.

在这个世界上,所有的动物都不可能养不起它的孩子。In this world, all animal can afford to feed its offspring.

为了我们的下一代去节约粮食,是每个人的责任。Saving food for our offspring is everybody's responsibility.

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今天大部分政府领导人的后代弃政从商。Today most offspring of government leaders go into business.

为什么在阿拉斯加的母海鸭生产较少后代?Why are mother sea ducks in Alaska producing fewer offspring?

帮助他援救他的子孙和领引他们回到安全。Help him to rescue his offspring and lead them back to safety.

这对繁殖后代的熊猫及其产下的幼崽都归中国所有。The breeding pair and any offspring are the property of China.

他们的后代为了出人头地将需要英语。They know that their offspring will need English to get ahead.

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毕竟,发生在同性之间的行为一般不会产生后代。After all, same-sex couplings don't usually result in offspring.

我希望我们能还给我们的子孙后代一个干净的蓝天和新鲜的空气。I hope we can return to our offspring a clean sky and fresh air.

有一些因素对后代的性别会产生微妙的影响。There are factors that subtly influence the sex of an offspring.