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这种用法已牢牢确立起来了。The usage is now firmly indurated.

m以兆为单位显示磁盘使用情况。M Displays disk usage in megabytes.

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这种用法现已得到确认。The usage is now firmly established.

寿命长,设计寿命在40000小时以上。Usage life is more than 40000 hours.

创建和使用共享的上下文。Creation and usage of shared context.

英语中这一词的用法至少可追溯到1734年。English usage dates to at least 1734.

文法无法胜过习惯用法。Grammar cannot prevail against usage.

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社交媒体正在侵蚀电子邮件的使用吗?Is Social Media Eroding E-mail Usage?

宇通客车VI设计的应用。VI Design for Yutong Group and usage.

同时也要注意你的用电习惯。Watch your electricity usage as well.

文档编制和会话式用法Documentation and conversational usage

汇编助记符差异和使用方法Assembly mnemonic differences and usage

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现代汉语中“怎么”的非疑问用法。Part two, the usage of non-interrogation.

转眼间,就能看到例句和用法示例。Presto, sample sentences and usage examples.

元明时期,是使用的高峰期。Yuan Dynasty was the fastigium of its usage.

韩国京仁加油站设计的应用。Corporate design and usage of Gyungin Energy.

减少用户的数据使用将会提高通信网的流畅度。Less data usage will improve network traffic.

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掌握形容词和副词的用法。To grasp the usage of adjectives and adverbs.

结论养脾散的临床使用较为安全。CONCLUSION It would be safe in Clinical usage.

对服务使用是如何进行计量和记账的?How is service usage metered and accounted for?