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这是一个棘手的问题。This is a tricky one.

幽门螺杆菌是非常棘手的。H. pylori is a tricky bug.

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而连网也有麻烦。And networking can be tricky.

但是这个博弈有什么不同呢What's the tricky thing here?

这是个很难回答的问题。Hmm, that's a tricky question.

那样会变得有一些棘手。That would be a little tricky.

退休费问题是特别棘手的。Pensions are particularly tricky.

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嗯,这是比较微妙的一点。Laugh. Hmmmm, this is a tricky one.

开玩笑,这里一个洞。Phew! Tricky to make a hole in here.

但是,做媒需要一定的技巧。But matchmaking is a tricky business.

但是悼词也可能成为一桩狡猾的交易。But eulogies can be a tricky business.

这些生产者是棘手的小鬼子。Those producers are tricky mini devils.

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如果一个世界没有规则,生活就会乱套。Life is tricky in a world without rules.

萧条正巧又在一个微妙的时间来临。The recession has come at a tricky time.

一个小背心可能会非常棘手,如果有褶边。A camisole can be tricky if it has ruffles.

解读食品标签是一件棘手的事情。Deciphering food labels is tricky business.

设计价目表是个讲究技巧的工作。Designing a pricing table is a tricky task.

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心里的事貇这是个很微妙的问题。Matters sof the Heart This is a tricky one.

水下摄影是一项令人难以捉摸的工作。Underwater portraiture is a tricky endeavor.

婚姻和金钱。这是个棘手的结合。Marriage and money. It’s a tricky combination.