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一个不可逾越的泥沼区。A piece of impassable bog with yield of liquid peat.

城墙后面是一片沼泽和难以逾越的区域。A marshy and impassable area stretched behind the walls.

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按照他们正常回家的路线,在这高速公路上是无路可走的.Their normal route home, on the highway, was impassable.

在书中,围绕在奥兹国周边的大漠流沙是不可穿越的。The Shifting Sands are the impassable deserts surrounding the Land of Oz.

公主躺在远远的隔着七个不可逾越的重洋的那一岸沉睡着。Thee princess lies sleeping on the far-away shore of the seven impassable seas.

不可越过者或有危险者在两旁加黑边。And black line should be added on both sides for impassable or dangerous stream.

我最近特别容易冲动,经常家里人过不去!I am particularly easy recently actuation, often the family member is impassable !

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一个不可逾越的泥沼区。要穿过它,你没有什么捷径。A piece of impassable bog with yield of liquid peat. You can't pass it in short cut.

我们不能彼此各自迁移开去,也不能建立起不可逾越的高墙隔开彼此。We cannot remove our sections from each other nor build an impassable wall between them.

这是旱季的情况,到了雨季,则是一片泥泞,无法通行。That was in the dry season. In the rainy season it could be so muddy as to be impassable.

冬季时,大雪常造成路面湿滑、险象环生,有时甚至无法通行,让四处环游难上加难。In the winter, there can be a lot of snow that makes roads icy, dangerous and sometimes impassable.

人们在齐胸深的水中跋涉,拖着装在木盆里的小孩。Small roads are impassable and people are wading chest high, towing small children in wooden canoes.

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因此,水实际上就扮演了北方禁行区域的角色,除非绕过海湾走。Because of this, the water acts as a northern impassable for Forochel, barring passage beyond the bay.

许多道路被堵塞,连通往机场的唯一通道都被切断,死亡人数还在持续上升。Many roads are impassable , the only link to the airport is cut, and the death toll continues to rise.

他们焚烧树叶,因为它重新增长和完全覆盖它,使它几乎不可逾越。They burned it because the foliage re-grows and completely covers it and made it virtually impassable.

齐塔人曾经警告过,就算以前没有问题,极移的时候道路也可能变得无法通行。The Zetas have warned that roads will likely be impassable by the time of the pole shift, if not before.

枪膛空了,母狼倒下了,小狼崽儿拖着一只后腿逃向绝壁。When our rifles were empty, the old wolf was down, and a pup was dragging a leg into impassable slide-rocks.

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针对这个国家目前的政治泥淖似乎已无计可施,部分是因为关于“该怎么办”的讨论被极力禁止。The country’s present political quagmire seems impassable partly because debate over what to do is so stunted.

特雷利乌的旅游机构举办整天的游览,但是如果恶劣天气使未铺设的道路无法通行,则可能取消游览。Trelew-based travel agencies run day-long tours but may cancel if bad weather makes the unpaved roads impassable.

桥梁是首先完蛋的,其基脚会扭曲或者分崩离析,然后倒塌,隧道也变得无法通行。Bridges will be the first to go, twisting off their footings or pulled apart into collapse, with tunnels impassable.