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我说不出她有什么坏处。I know no harm of her.

坏书有极大害处。Bad books do great harm.

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他保护我使我没受伤害。He defended me from harm.

我们不会受到伤害。No harm would come to us.

这种情况有什么害处吗?Is there any harm in this?

你的斧头别伤了它!Thy axe shall harm it not!

谢谢你为我们除害了。Thank you for us from harm.

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不要伤害益鸟。Don't harm beneficial birds.

猫咪从来不做任何坏事。Pussycat never did any harm.

我没有加害于这个可怜的小孩。I did the poor child no harm.

他因过度工作累倒了。Overwork does harm to health.

这是投掷兵可以重创敌军的时候了That's where they do it harm.

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别理他,他不要紧,没事的。Let him be he's doing no harm.

不妨一试。There is no harm in trying it.

骨瘤有多大的危害?。Does osteoma have how old harm?

羊角风的危害具体有哪些呢?Epilepsy what specific harm it?

什么是扁桃体炎?有哪些危害?What is tonsillitis? What harm?

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我们都会有不利于自己的习惯。We all have habits that harm us.

我的能力不能用来害命。My powers cannot be used to harm.

这是一个涉及到损害的问题。The question has to do with harm.