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出色的做媒一份工作。Do every job with excellence.

这几乎等于优秀了。This approaches to excellence.

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个人认为应该是“智慧在心,卓越于行”。Wisdom in heart, excellence in action.

色情作为对最勇敢者的奖赏。Erotic rewards for excellence in bravery.

目标永远都不会完美,而是更优秀。The goal isn’t perfection, it is excellence.

个人优点总是为先。Personal excellence always has to come first.

查尔斯·狄更斯是一位非常卓越的健谈者。Charles Dickens was a raconteur par excellence.

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查尔斯狄更斯是一个杰出的外汇善谈者。Charles Dickens was a raconteur par excellence.

让你的自我激励带你飞得更高吧。Let your self motivation take you to excellence.

很多中国运动员的凯旋不仅仅应该用优秀来形容。Many of China's triumphs went beyond excellence.

福瑞人将与您携手并进,共创佳绩。We will create excellence hand in hand with you.

他以优秀的美术作品而闻名。He is famous for the excellence of his fine arts.

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我们追求卓越以安全为起点。We strive for excellence by starting with safety.

理性选择冠捷,激情创造卓越。Choose TPV Reasoningly, Create Excellence Fervidly!

新加坡是一个出众的后殖民社会。Singapore is a postcolonial society par excellence.

迈向卓越之路并无速度限制。There are no speed limits on the road to excellence.

他赢得了家具设计优胜奖。He has won a prize for excellence in furniture design.

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翊鸿——永远比客户所要求的更好!EHO----Much more excellence than clients' requirements!

他赢得了家俱设计优胜奖。He have win a prize for excellence in furniture design.

那就是柏拉图所谓的激情,出类拔萃的政治激情。This is for Plato, the political passion par excellence.