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什么是友情?What is friendship?

更类似于友情。More like friendship.

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这一杯祝我们友情永固。This is to our friendship.

他们间产生了友情。Friendship grew between them.

我敢说我们的友谊会与世长存。I am sure our friendship will.

是爱?还是友谊?Is it love is it friendship?

我们的友谊地久天长。Our friendship is everlasting.

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这是我关于友情的看法。Tht is my ide bout friendship.

真正的友谊恒久不变。True friendship lasts forever.

友谊犹如冬青树。Friendship like the holly-tree.

有多少友谊能够保持长久?How much friendship can survie?

我是吾爱。吾爱是我。Love is friendship set on fire.

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真正的友谊万古常青。True friendship lasts for ever.

就让我们的友谊算作一时遣兴吧。Let our friendship be a caprice.

中巴友谊长存!Long Live Pak-China Friendship !

友情是团结的建造师。Friendship is a builder of unity.

愿我们的友谊万古长青!May our friendship be ever green!

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真正的友谊永不消逝。True friendship never fades away.

让我们一起祝愿友谊地久天长。Let's wish our friendship forever.

真正的友谊地久天长。True friendship lasts a long time.