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就像靠在一个温暖的棉花糖上面。Ahh! It's like spooning a warm marshmallow.

碧空中的白云像一大团棉花糖在天空飞翔。Blue sky in the clouds like a marshmallow in the sky fly big group.

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此外,芭斯罗缤还推出了一款棉花糖味的冰淇淋。And Baskin-Robbins is serving up ice cream with a marshmallow flavor.

果浆软糖是美国最喜欢的非巧克力复活节糖果。Marshmallow Peeps are America's favorite non-chocolate Easter candies.

用量多少取决于您用的是新鲜的或是干燥根。Quantities differ depending on whether you use fresh or dried marshmallow root.

这位影片主角说话做事都慢悠悠的,活像一块会动的棉花糖。Looking like awalking marshmallow and moving and speaking slowly, he is the movie's star.

这一团棉花糖的外缘很快就拉成了铁砧的尖,展现出了其昏暗的本色。Soon the marshmallow rims flatten to anvil tops, and the clouds reveal their darker nature.

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尽管外貌粗野,他的内心却象他喜爱的果汁软糖冰淇淋一样柔软。Underneath the tough-guy exterior, though , he was soft as the marshmallow sundaes he loved.

我使劲盯着他看,感觉自己的半张脸象吹气似的,紫得有如一团棉花糖。I glared at him the best I could with half of my face puffed up and purple like a marshmallow.

老年人像取圣餐饼般拿起一颗烘香的棉花糖,眼睛为之一亮。The older people take a toasted marshmallow like it's communion bread, and their eyes light up.

小心地倒出棉花糖,放在准备好的台面上,用刀切成块状。Carefully tip the marshmallow out on to the prepared board and cut into squares, using a sharp knife.

药蜀葵根是一个冷静胃灼热或酸返流,你可能患上了有效途径。Marshmallow root is an effective way of cooling off heartburn or acid reflux you may be suffering from.

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天上有软软的棉花糖云朵,闪亮的杨桃星星,火红的苹果太阳和香蕉月亮。In the sky, there are soft marshmallow clouds, shining star fruits, red apple sun, and yellow banana moon.

多哈提将苹果改变电视业务模式的尝试比作“推着巨大的棉花糖上山”。Mr. Doherty likens Apple's attempt to change the TV business model to 'pushing this giant marshmallow uphill.'

假设云由一些粘在一起的棉花糖簇组成,这样人们就可以坐在它们上面。Pretend that clouds are actually made of marshmallow clusters stuck together so that people can sit and ride on them.

你不用便盆,我就把你锁在房间里,你永远都休想得到棉花糖!You go on the potty or I'm going to lock you in your room and you'll never have another marshmallow as long as you live.

我们建构的多面体,比较像是用牙签插在软糖上弄成的。The polyhedra we had built were rather like structures made of toothpicks stuck into blobs of marshmallow at the corners.

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甘草,蜀葵和西洋蓍草的精华能舒缓肌肤,有保湿和治疗功效。The extracts of licorice, marshmallow and yarrow milfoil relieve skin and exercise their moisturizing and healing effects.

莎拉将小玻璃笼置于笼口处,安娜随即跳入,抓起笼里的小号果汁软糖。She places a small Perspex box next to an opening in the cage and Anna jumps in immediately to grab the marshmallow on offer.

待棉花糖完全冷却凝固,在面板上撒上剩余的糖粉和玉米粉。Once the marshmallow has completely set, dust the work surface or a board with the remaining icing sugar and cornflour mixture.