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他对女朋友一直非常刻薄。He had been behaving very meanly to his girlfriend.

这位新的领导人卑鄙地威胁我们的最深刻的社会准则。This new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society.

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他认为,与其狠狠地攻击他,还不如嘲笑他几句更好。He thought it was best to laugh at him rather than to hit him meanly.

我们意识到人们会因为寒酸地谈论别人而不喜欢我们。we realize people won't like us for nattering on meanly about others.

本论文旨在探讨股份有限公司下的股东资讯权保障。This thesis is meanly to focus on the shareholder's information right of a company limited by shares.

他笔下那些煽风点火的政客,诸如蓝皮艾伦之流,卑鄙残忍不下于库珀的抗租者。His demagogues, who bear names like Aaron Blue-Skin, are as meanly truculent as cooper's Anti-Renters.

记者上前要求拍照时,他得知是香港传媒仍然友善微笑。Reporter goes forward when requests the photograph, he knew that was Hong Kong media still meanly smiled.

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本文阐释了新闻侵权的概念及新闻侵权责任的抗辩事由与新闻责任豁免的运用。So the essay will meanly focuse on the concept of news tort, the counterplea of news tort and the application of News Tort counterplea.

他在星期三的国会听证会上说到政府主要关注最近的恢复计划。He told herring a hearing in congress Congress on Wednesday that be the administration is meanly mainly concerned with a the current recovery plan.

同样,来的日本客人,我们是应该友善相待,但是有关铁路当局的做法,忽视了平等的原则。Similarly, comes the Japanese visitor, we are should meanly treat, but the related railroad authority's procedure, has neglected the principle of equality.

教育惩罚之所以存在如此多的争议,主要是因为如果使用不当,它会对受教育者的身心造成极大伤害。The reason why the educational punishment received so many arguments is meanly about its bad effect on the student's body and heart if it was not used properly.

在分形插值方法中,垂直比例因子是影响插值精度的主要因素。The vertical scaling factor is an important parameter in the application of fractal interpolation method, which meanly decides the accuracy of the interpolation.

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甚至连身世清白的民营老板李海仓的意外之死,也被人幸灾乐祸地认为是“为富不仁”的报应。Even links the life experience pure privately operated boss Li Haicang's death of accident, also by the human was thought meanly is "rich are heartless" retribution.

本文针对长江三峡区间,利用雨量站点观测值来校准雷达测雨数据,并作为分布式水文模型的降雨输入,借助水文模拟结果综合评价雷达测雨数据的适用性。In the paper, the radar rainfall data adjusted meanly in space by means of rain-gauge data were as the input of distributed hydrological model to simulate flood process.

石英流体包裹体氢氧同位素组成表明,成矿流体中的水主要来源于大气降水和岩浆水的混合。Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of the fluid inclusion in quartz indicates that the water in ore-forming fluid was derived meanly from mixture water of meteoric and magmatic.

构建了我国高等教育产业运行模式,创新我国高等教育产业运行机制,并对加快实行我国高等教育产业运行方式提出了对策和建议。Meanly analyses the running—mechanism in the public university, introduce some useful running—mechanism , and explore some measures and suggestions on how to run the Higher Education.

我曾经从一些年轻帅哥处听说过一些关于他们室友非常不友好的说法,或者一些美女刻薄的评说她们的邻居,甚至从一些我非常信任和最尊重的人处也能听到类似的话。I've heard some very unkind sayings from young gentlemen gossiping about their roommates, or ladies meanly mentioning their neighbors, even from people I trusted and respected so much.

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本文主要对番茄酱中需氧芽孢杆菌、球菌、酵母菌和乳酸杆菌的分离、生理生化特性及分类与鉴定进行了研究。The thesis have meanly studied on separation, identification and biochemical and physiological character of Anaerobic bacteria, Staphylococcus, yeast and lactobacillus in tomato paste.

总氮的迁移主要受到大气降水、灌溉水、农业施肥量、土壤的渗透性以及包气带厚度等因素的影响。Transportation of total nitrogen is meanly effected by precipitation, irrigation, rate of fertilizer application of agriculture, permeability of soil and thickness of unsaturated zone et al.

对直接生产者的剥夺,是用最残酷无情的野蛮手段,在最下流、最龌龊、最卑鄙和最可恶的贪欲的驱使下完成的。The expropriation of the immediate producers was accomplished with merciless Vandalism, and under the stimulus of passions the most infamous, the most sordid, the pettiest, the most meanly odious.