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单位招募费用增加了但一些单位的维持费降低了。Unit costs improved and a few upkeep costs adjusted.

这辆车子每年用掉五千元的保养费。The car casts five thousand dollars a year in upkeep.

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你只负责维修和业务决策。Upkeep and business decisions will be on your shoulders.

谦恭有礼,保持工作区域整洁。To maintain porch decorum and upkeep cleanliness of the area.

除非你牺牲两张海岛,否则海怪此回合不能攻击。Sacrifice two islands during your upkeep phase to untap Leviathan.

我宁愿住在旅馆或公寓里也不愿意处理度假别墅的维修。I’d rather stay in a hotel or condo than have to deal with the upkeep of a vacation home.

为此,记者请教了专业人士,教教大家咋保养安全气囊。For this, the reporter asked a professional and taught everyone the Zha upkeep the air bag.

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要塞有了一些维护费,这是为了模拟围城战对防御者经济的负面影响。Garrison has some upkeep cost to simulate the siege negative impacts to economy for the defender.

房东只是负责一般的保养费和维修费用,让您专注于细微之处。Landlords are responsible for general upkeep and safety, allowing you to focus on the fine points.

猎豹和虎王一样在召唤后会导致5分钟内人力增加量减100/分。Jagdpanther costs set to be the same as King Tiger. Will cost 100mp upkeep per minute for 5 minutes.

就像缠足的妇女,这些城市的装饰品不事生产,它们能存活全赖于人类恒久的看护。Like tiny-footed women, these urbane ornaments produced little and survived only with constant human upkeep.

云在根本上是由硬件和软件组成的,这些组件需要经常细心地维护。A cloud is ultimately constituted from hardware and software—components that require real and regular upkeep.

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盐腐蚀,风暴和巨浪都会让这些巨型机器的老板损失惨重,他还必须不断地进行维护。Salt corrosion, storms and waves can all take a heavy toll on the giant machines, and upkeep must be constant.

在美国,有条件给马提供足够的饲料和草场的人,他们会把马当宠物养。In the US, they may be kept as pets by people who can afford their upkeep and have enough land for them to graze.

高炉的高效长寿生产,除了受设计、装备水平影响外,与炉料条件、高炉操作、日常维护等也密切相关。The high efficient and long production life of BF was related to furnace burden, operation, daily upkeep and so on.

排放系统设备需要进行维护或拆卸时,需排空系统。When the system equipment discharging needs to carry out the upkeep or disassembly, need arranging empty space system.

专利单面设计加强震荡力分布及让您无需定期翻调床垫。Patented single-sided design enhances motion separation and eliminates the need to turn or flip the mattress as upkeep.

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但是锡安纳并没有因为他幸福大家庭的这种规模而表现出任何狼狈之态——也没有以供养家庭为由提出任何利益上的要求。But Ziona doesn't appear fazed by the size of his apparently happy family—and doesn't claim any benefits for their upkeep.

参赛者进入游泳池前,必须行经淋浴池和濯足池,以保持个人衞生。Participants must walk through the shower bath and the footbath before entering the pool deck to upkeep your personal hygiene.

可是没有想到,车开到维修点维修时,才知道维修费至少要上千元。But don't thought of, when the car arrived maintenance repairs to click maintenance repairs just know upkeep at least up to kilo.