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可怜的家伙。The poor bastard.

孙悟空,你这个畜牲。Monkey King, you bastard.

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你应该控告那个不要脸的混蛋。You ought to sue the bastard.

你只是个杂种!You're nothing but a bastard.

他是个顽固的老家伙。He's one Bullheaded old bastard.

我要揪出吉利根这个混蛋。I'm gonna get this Gilligan bastard.

人家都说,我是个疯子,混账。People say that I am a crazy bastard.

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于是美便招来了侮辱和诽谤。And beauty slandered with a bastard shame.

不把这个杂种弄痛、弄伤、弄残绝不善罢干休。Hurt, injure, or otherwise maim the bastard.

它就会是命运的无父的私生子。It might for Fortunes bastard be unfathered.

比利菲大师调用汤姆一乞丐杂种。Master Blifil called Tom a beggarly bastard.

那时冒牌的艳色还未曾出世。Before these bastard signs of fair were born.

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我一直都仍是个自私自利的杂种。I was still the selfish bastard I always was.

就该是命运的私生野种。It might for Fortune's bastard be unfathered.

这让那个小杂种成为了一个英雄。It makes that other little bastard into a hero.

“私生的仙女”也许应该被定义为一种矛盾。The Bastard Fairies could be termed an oxymoron.

司机那个可怜虫该冻坏了。The poor bastard of a driver could freeze out there.

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我们会智取那混蛋,象我们智取其他人一样。We'll outwit that bastard as we've outwitted others.

巴不萨,你撒谎,你发誓要放了她的。Barbossa, you lying bastard ! You swore she'd go free!

她有点儿像是埃尔顿约翰的私生女。She's kind of like the bastard daughter of Elton John.