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意大利将在周四在阿纳姆与英格兰比赛。Italy play England on Thursday in Arnhem.

但德国军队击败了可怕的战斗在阿纳姆英国“红魔鬼”部队。But German forces defeated British "Red Devil" troops in a terrible fight at Arnhem.

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这一检查结果也保证了他返回老家阿纳姆的计划没有推迟太久。The positive scan also ensured that a return to his native Arnhem was not postponed for long.

荷兰中东部的一座城市,位于阿纳姆以北。是一个深受欢迎的旅游中心。人口44,08。A city of east-central Netherlands north of Arnhem. It is a popular tourist center. Population, 44,08.

冲着英国兵大叫大嚷,告诉他们眼下在阿纳姆可是英国人,需要支援。They yelled and swore at the Brits, told them those were their countrymen in Arnhem and they needed help, now.

澳大利亚北部阿纳姆地的Malarrak遗址中,一幅描绘袋鼠的壁画。A rock-art impression of a kangaroo appears on a wall at the Malarrak site in Arnhem Land in northern Australia.

这幅没有标日期的壁画是在2008年秋天的一次探险中发现的,地点是澳大利亚北部阿纳姆地土著居住区的Djulirri。The undated painting was found during an fall 2008 expedition at Djulirri in the Aborigine territory of Arnhem Land in northern Australia.

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跳进荷兰的,加强有波兰伞兵旅的英第1空降师,降落地点在拟议的战线推进最远端——阿纳姆。The British 1st Airborne Division, reinforced by a bridge of Polish paratroopers, who jumped into Holland at the far end of the proposed line of advance at Arnhem.

2008年10月22日——澳大利亚北部偏远的土著居住地新发现的岩石掩蔽处里,装饰着绘有帆船、远洋定期客轮和双翼飞机的壁画。October 22, 2008--Paintings of sailboats, ocean liners, and biplanes adorn newfound rock shelters in the remote Aboriginal territory of Arnhem Land in northern Australia.

该站将成为城市的新门面,拥抱旅行的精神,并有望建立阿纳姆作为德国、荷兰和比利时之间的重要节点。The station will become the new "front door" of the city, embracing the spirit of travel, and is expected to establish Arnhem as an important node between Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.

雪莉·伯费已去世的父亲曾在阿纳姆战斗,并总是乐于回溯他的经历。那主要是一段关于太迟抵达战场以致无法成为英雄的自我贬低的故事。Shirley Boffey's father, now dead, fought at Arnhem and was always happy to reminisce about his experiences, mainly a self-deprecating account of arriving on the battlefield too late to be a hero.

2008年秋天,澳大利亚北部的阿纳姆地Djulirri考古遗址,研究者们发现了大批的描绘人类、鸟类和袋鼠的岩画。In fall 2008 researchers found a vast trove of images of humans, birds, and kangaroos painted onto the walls of a rock shelter at the Djulirri archaeological site in northern Australia's Arnhem Land.