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不要让报应女神娜美西斯用快捷的船舰捉拿我。Let not nemesis catch me by the swift ships.

他们的狂妄桀骜将带来本属的天谴?Will their hubris bring Nemesis in due course?

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在神话中,堤喀是涅墨西斯的“好姐妹”。Tyche was the name of the "good sister" of Nemesis.

他认为“复仇者”是一颗距离太阳1.5光年的红矮星。He thinks Nemesis is a red dwarf star 1.5 light years away.

我们可能在2013年中旬之前都不会得到关于“复仇者”的信息。We may not have an answer to the Nemesis question until mid-2013.

你们不能怙恃权势就为所欲为,小心遭报应。You can't do as you want relying on power, or you may invite a nemesis.

我们担心,如果没有找到伴星,这篇论文就会成为我们的报应。We worry that if the companion is not found, this paper will be our nemesis.

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与黑杰克为敌的人有很多,但只有奇利柯才是他真正的死对头。Black Jack has many enemies, but Dr. Kiriko is his only true nemesis and rival.

“我会很容易忽略像“复仇者”这样远距离的慢速移动的天体”。I would have easily overlooked something so distant and slow moving as Nemesis.

或者是那个从他自己的魔杖中冒出的受害者去帮助他的敌人的记忆?Or, the memory of his own victims, conjured from his own wand to help hie nemesis ?

最初,“复仇者”是用来解释地球物种大规模周期性的灭绝。Originally, Nemesis was suggested as a way to explain a cycle of mass extinctions on Earth.

右边的这只狡猾的蚂蚁站在一颗石子上,以比它的仇敌高出那么一英寸。But the wily ant on the right is standing on a pebble to gain a solid inch over his nemesis.

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地球和彗星之间会产生规律的大碰撞,不一定真的是由涅墨西斯造成的。Nemesis is not the only possible explanation for regular collisions between Earth and comets.

事件的主要袭击目标是孟加拉现任总理谢赫·哈希纳,她是齐亚的头号死敌。Sheikh Hasina, the apparent target of that attack and nemesis of Mrs Zia, is now prime minister.

刀锋等人以舞狮为名混入现场,意欲一举击杀仇人。Under such a person with lion blade intermingled with the scene, intended to every struck Nemesis.

艾格文根本没有想到,刚刚来到这个世界的新的守护者已经被他最大的敌人占据了。Aegwynn had no idea that the world's newest Guardian was already possessed by its greatest nemesis.

他认为,玛提斯对“复仇者”的描述更为可信。In his view, Matese’s description of Nemesis as a low mass object closer to home is more plausible.

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当海神景点奥德修斯在伊萨卡,他变得愤怒在Phaeacians协助他克星。When Poseidon spots Odysseus in Ithaca, he becomes enraged at the Phaeacians for assisting his nemesis.

克里克帕特里克并不认为“复仇者”是一颗按照穆勒所言的拥有极大轨道的红矮星。Kirkpatrick doesn’t think Nemesis will be the red dwarf star with an enormous orbit described by Muller.

作为企业家来说这是非常实用的品质,而他在经济上的报应,也不时把他盯紧。That is a useful quality in an entrepreneur whom financial nemesis has, on occasion, stared in the face.