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我们提供旅费和住宿费以及酬金。正在加载用户记忆法…Travel and hotel costs as well as an honorarium will be provided.

一部分居民同意去进行这样的一个调查,在支付一小点酬金的情况下。A group of residents agreed to conduct the survey for a small honorarium.

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这是为他在这项工程中做出的贡献而办法给她的酬金。This is an honorarium given in consideration of her contributions to this project.

大一点的团体会给你一些车费补贴,但是有些还是要求你可以免费给他们做个演讲。Larger groups may give an honorarium and others still will ask you to set your fee.

可能是史上,一介作者著书所获的最大报酬。It was probably the highest honorarium ever received by an author for writing a book.

以及东区区议会议员就区议会的职能及区议员的酬金和津贴所提出的意见。And the views of eastern district council on the functions of dc and honorarium and allowance for dc members.

他们提出的稿酬是三百五十元,马丁觉得已经不必再电告了。Since the honorarium they had offered was three hundred and fifty dollars, Martin thought it not worth while to telegraph.

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作者研究的英语语调,你将涵盖他的旅行费和其他费用也支付标准的酬金。Mr. wood-the author of a study of english intonation . you will cover his traveling and other expenses and also pay a standard honorarium.

实行物业服务费用酬金制的,预收的物业服务资金包括物业服务支出和物业管理企业的酬金。Choujinzhi cost of property services, including funds received in advance of property services and property management enterprise property services expenditures honorarium.

在进行第二阶段检讨时,行政署并须研究有否理据向本局非公职成员支付酬金出勤津贴。During the second stage review the administration wing would be required to examine whether there were justifications for paying an honorarium attendance allowance to non-official members of council.