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激起千层浪一石了。Melaleuca waves stirred up with one stone.

那美乐家是如何销售他的产品的呢?And how does Melaleuca market its products?

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千层石,也称积层岩。Melaleuca stone, also known as laminated rock.

千层石造景有的层中夹砾石。Melaleuca stone and gravel layer in some scene.

一石激起千层波的网络事件屡屡发生。There has Melaleuca wave of network events to occur.

我们认为对于美乐家来说这也是如此。We suspect that will also be the case with Melaleuca.

许多行销主管是兼职做美乐家的。Many marketing executives sell Melaleuca products part- time.

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这种千层石假山会给前进的财物带来好运。The Melaleuca stone rockery will give way to bring good luck to property.

千层石,也称积层岩,主要产于浙江江山市大陈乡一带。Melaleuca stone, also known as rock layer, mainly in Zhejiang Jiangshan City Chen Township area.

过去近半个世纪是全球经济最为糟糕的时期,但是美乐家却能一直保持着继续兴旺成长。Despite the worst economy that the world has seen in over half a century, Melaleuca continues to flourish.

黄洋河景区以高坑瀑布、千层岩、石城等腰三角形为主要景观。Huang Yanghe scenic areas with high Hang Falls, Melaleuca rock, Shicheng isosceles triangle as the main landscape.

千层石用在园林中的假山,艺术风格也完全不同于传统的景观石。Melaleuca stone in the garden of the rockery art style is completely different from the traditional landscape stone.

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不必惊讶,美乐家公司做出了倒掉已制成的荼树精油的决定,这之前从哪还能找到几个这样伟大的承诺。Not surprisingly the decision was made to close down Oil of Melaleuca Inc which had taken off with such great promise.

从互叶白千层油的主要成分、提取、精炼和应用等方面进行了论述。In this paper, the main compositions, extraction, purification and application of Melaleuca Altemifolia oil are described.

接著,他们的客户每月从目录上订购产品,由美乐家来支付介绍人的佣金。Their customers order from the catalog each month and Melaleuca pays commissions to whoever gave the customer the catalog.

从互叶白千层油的主要成分、提取、精炼和应用等方面进行了论述。In this paper, the main compositions, extraction, purification and application of Melaleuca Alternifolia oil are described.

研究结果表明,随着淹水深度的增加,互叶白千层受到的胁迫程度有所增强。Results indicated that the effect of flooding on Melaleuca alternifolia was elevated with the increase in the flooding depth.

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美乐家的消费者比一般的商店消费者更有知识,他们了解他们使用产品的内容。Melaleuca shoppers are much more educated than average grocery store shoppers. They have studied a little and understand a lot.

当然,美乐家的主要商业目前主要是在美国,而这正是美乐家的特别之处。Of course, the majority of Melaleuca's business is in the United States and that places Melaleuca in another very unique position.

蒸馏的持续时间是影响互叶白千层精油质量及出油率的重要因素之一。Duration of distillation is one of the important factors affecting quality and yield of the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia.