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吸毒人数甚至下降得更为明显。The decline in drug-taking is even sharper.

我希望我有长点的头发。我希望我有更雪亮的眼镜。I wish I had longer hair. I wish I had sharper eyes.

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迄今为止貌似斯文的争端正在变得尖锐有棱。A hitherto polite dispute is acquiring a sharper edge.

哪果倾斜面越小,工具就会越锋利。If the inclined angle is smaller, the tool will be sharper.

比初始设计更尖锐的过渡段或倒角。Transitions or radii that are sharper than original design.

于是我找了把更锋利的刀顺向纵切。So I use a sharper knife and make a smooth and straight cut.

风刮如刀割,我开始掉头回家。The wind bit with a sharper edge and I turned toward my home.

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年复一年,珍妮对老太太说话的腔调变得愈加尖锐了。From year to year, Jeanne’s tone with the old woman became sharper.

从星火的图像40倍裸照片清晰。Theimages from Starfire are 40 times sharper than uncorrected pics.

呆了几年就变成一个京油子了。He became sharper about Beijing after staying there only a few years.

同时,他们对荒唐可笑的敏感程度比过去任何时代都要突出。At the same time, their sensitivity to the absurd is sharper than ever.

即使他们看到的图像可能会比我们的更清晰一点,也永远不会是完美的。Even if their image may be sharper than ours, it will never be perfect.

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而比博普,这种更为前卫、锋利,且更具有实验精神的音乐形式即将诞生。A leaner, sharper and more experimental music was about to be born – bebop.

我也学会了控制我的压力,用锋利的边缘切割工具。I've also learned to control my pressure using a sharper edge scribing tool.

公众有理由期待我们进一步加大对治理与反腐败工作的重视。Publics are right to expect a sharper focus on governance and anti-corruption.

这样边界看起来更酷,黑色盒子看起来更锐利。This will give us a really cool border that will make the box look much sharper.

想要增加更强烈的效果,可以留长发,长发和齐刘海形成漂亮的对比。To add an even sharper twist, use these bangs with long hair as a nice contrast.

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想要增加更猛烈的结果,可以留长发,长发和齐刘海形成大度的比拟。To add an even sharper twist, use these bangs with long hair as a nice contrast.

季前赛和训练中你就能看出贝巴看上去更犀利了。You can see in training and games during pre-season, Dimitar has looked sharper.

也就是说可以起到增强活力,改善睡眠,提高心智的作用。This equates to increased energy and vigor, better sleep and sharper mental acuity.