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香慢慢地燃着。Incense burning slowly.

心香一束寄盂兰。Incense from heart to send.

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芬芳香园玫瑰花。Fragrant incense rose garden.

空气中弥漫着燃香的香气…The air was sweet with incense.

梦在远方化成一缕香。Distant dreams rise like incense.

香品是我所憎恶的。Your incense is detestable to me.

他在焚香祷祝。He is praying with incense burning.

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香提醒人平和。Incense reminds one to be peaceful.

但我们却有薰香和蜡烛。But we did have incense and candles.

那柱香就快烧完了。The incense is going to be finished.

那妇人跟着回头对着香烛。The woman turned back to her incense.

茶香奶味,滑香浓厚的口感。Naiwei tea, incense slip strong taste.

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点燃香烛或者焚香。Light an aromatherapy candle or incense.

把你捧在手上,虔诚地焚香。Put you held in the hand, pious incense.

一支香在画像下面冒着青烟。An incense stick smoked below the images.

金香和带男不约而同想到诅咒。The incense and bring men think of curse.

时有落花至,远随流水香。When a flower to far, with water incense.

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也看不清大树枝高悬的软香Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs

实际上,它尝起来闻起来都像是熏香。It actually tasted and smelled like incense.

何种软香悬于高枝。Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs.