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项目周期成本估算。Life-cycle cost estimating.

应该由谁进行评估呢?Who should do the estimating?

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你们觉得评估总量怎么样,你说What about estimating the amount? Go ahead.

对于估计我们吃了多少我们都显得相当糟糕。We're all pretty bad at estimating what we eat.

评估应用程序结构的需求情况Estimating how much of the application structure is needed

他很糟糕地错估了当前的形势。He badly made a mistake in estimating the current situation.

估测青年公猪的育种值,用BLUP法比较好。The BLUP is a better method in estimating breeding value of boar.

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版简化了估计存储需求的过程Version 7.5.2 simplifies process of estimating storage requirements

历史上有很长一段时间都错误估计了美国的实力。Americans have a long history of incorrectly estimating their power.

评估一个项目不应当将其作为一次性的活动加以考虑。Estimating a project should not be thought of as a one-time activity.

你这样问了,说明你很擅长估计卡路里You must be pretty good at estimating calories if that--you ask that.

能量消耗是评估运动负荷的客观依据。Energy consumption is objective basis of estimating the exercise load.

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结果制成便于床位工作评价的质控图。Results The quality control chart was made for estimating sickbed work.

研究ARCH过程的均值变点估计。This paper studies the estimating for mean change-point in ARCH models.

SCRUM项目可以用标准的点估计函数。SCRUM projects can be estimated using standard function point estimating.

估算概率就是定量方法的一个例子。Estimating with probabilities is one example of the quantitative approach.

极值理论最常用在估计极端事件的尾端机率分配。The EVT is most useful in estimating tail probabilities of extreme events.

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分数维的计算采用改进的盒子计数法。The modified box-counting method is used in estimating fraction dimension.

提出了一种新的正弦信号频率估计方法。A new method for estimating the frequency of a sinusoid signal is proposed.

提出了一种线性调频连续波信号参数估计算法。A new algorithm for estimating the parameters of LFMCW signals is presented.