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思想观念是客观事实在人头脑中的主观再现。An idea is the subjective evocation of an objective fact.

他更喜欢塑能系法术和可以辅助伪装自己的幻术。It prefers evocation spells and illusions to help it disguise It'self.

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其特殊价值在于它在一定历史时期的呼唤作用的艺术品。Any work of art whose special value lies in its evocation of a historical period.

你有没有看见在你认识的人们当中一些“情景引发”的好例子?Have you seen any good examples of situation evocation among the people you know?

当你有这些,你可以先谈招魂仪式,符咒,祈祷。Once you have these you can go on to evocation rituals, talismans , and invocations.

我们从他这段批评诗人无生气的精采论述中,可以看出惠特曼对于诗人的看法。Against this brilliant evocation of airlessness we may put Whitman's view of the poet.

但是,试图成为熟悉它,因为你会表演,然后每招。However, try to become familiar with it, as you will be performing it before every evocation.

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我对嗅觉的敏感逐渐被唤醒,它唤起回忆的能力真是无比强大。I learned to appreciate my sense of smell, whose power of nostalgic evocation is overwhelming.

成花通常需要那些能引起花发端的一系列外部刺激因子中的一种因子的作用。Flowering usually requires one of a range of external stimuli that bring about floral evocation.

利用其指示和世界的发端和个人满意度都在你的把握!Use its instructions and the world of evocation and personal gratification are well within your grasp!

实际上,叶芝认为他的诗歌,如他所说在召集传唤灵魂。In fact, Yeats sees his poems as a kind of summoning of spirits or evocation of spirits, as he refers to it.

论文第五章,对摹仿的本源性含义和中国诗学中的“兴”的含义进行了比较。On the chapter five, it compares the endogenous meaning of the mimesis and the "evocation" in Chinese poetry.

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后者还可以唤起我们对童年的回忆,触动一个人幸福的弦。The fragrance of the latter may trigger feelings of happiness in an individual through its evocation of childhood.

获得胜利瞬间的狂喜形象也罢,在苦痛当中哭泣的形象也好,都深深撞击了人们的内心。An image as intense in its evocation of triumph as the image of his weeping in the dought is in its portrayals of heartache.

这一改动是为了提高例如唤醒、动技能的利用效率,防止在计时时造成技能有效时间的浪费。This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted" ticks".

除了北海公园富丽堂皇的装饰之外,其它饭店将现代设计与老北京印象不可思议地结合了起来。Outside the spectacular setting of Beihai Park, other restaurants combine modern design with a magical evocation of old Beijing.

那么,这就是纳博科夫的美好呼唤,是关于读者和作者,如何在想像的巅峰相遇。So, this is Nabokov's beautiful evocation of how writer and reader meet at the summit of this misty mountain of the imagination.

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然而,无论月亮证明了她的努力多么失败,月亮本身仍然是她召唤的对象和自我授权的场点。The moon may be understood as the object of her evocation and location for her self-empowerment, no matter whether it proves her failure.

展出的最亮点是小特里阿农宫。此座庭园是王后在凡尔赛宫墙里的“乐土”。The show's highlight is an evocation of the Petit Trianon, the queen's "pleasure house" in the grounds of the royal palace at Versailles.

马吕斯在突然听见人家提到“滑铁卢”时,他已很紧张了,现在又听人说出“罪行”这种字眼,那就更超出他所能接受的限度了。This word crime overpassed the measure of what Marius, who was already greatly agitated by the abrupt evocation of Waterloo, could accept.