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这只不过是一种回缩机制。It is simply a recoil mechanism.

部队在结束战斗以后撤走了。The unit recoil at over the fight.

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缺点就是精准度小,后坐力大。Shortcomings in accuracy is small, big recoil.

干坏事的人会受到邪恶的报应。An evil deed may recoil on the head of the doer.

她们发现没什么意思而且退缩不前。They find it unpleasant and they recoil from it.

另外一些教育家不赞同进行更多的考试。Other educators recoil at the thought of more tests.

一部分暗淡的分叉显示出闪亮的反冲先导。Some of the dim branches exhibit bright recoil leaders.

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在巨观尺度中,反作用力的概念确实有意义。At the macroscale, the notion of recoil makes good sense.

我做好了准备应对他的反应,但是他并没有退缩。I braced myself for his reaction, but he didn't recoil in horror.

可是羔羊的癣疥应当使牧人却步吗?Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?

可是羔羊的疥癣应当使牧羊人却步吗?。Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?

分析结果可供驻退机的设计和改进提供参考。The results are given for reference in the design of recoil mechanism.

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这痛苦使他在节日里兴高才烈的顾客面前显得有些畏缩。The pain of it made him recoil from the exuberance of holiday shoppers.

这是采用枪管短行程后座作用操作和使用传统的白朗宁式闭锁系统。It is recoil operated and uses a conventional Browning-type locking system.

不像QSZ92,QSW06在它的后座操作中使用一个非-旋转枪管。Unlike the QSZ92, the QSW06 uses a non-rotating barrel in its recoil operation.

驻退机是反后坐装置中控制火炮后坐规律的关键部件。Recoil mechanism is the crucial part which controls the backward movement of a gun.

此时两层胸膜彼此分开,肺将因其本身的回缩力而塌陷。At this time , two layers of pleura separate and lungs contract for the elastic recoil.

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可是羔羊的癣疥应当使牧人却步吗?不应当。况且那又是怎样的一头羔羊!Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil? No. But what a sheep!

火箭式烟火是最流行的烟火,它藉助于烟火燃烧喷火的后座力飞向天空。Rockets are lifted by recoil from the jet of fire thrown out by the Burning composition.

在不改变装备的情况下测试时,无法直接测得驻退机的工作状况。It is not possible to test or measure the recoil cylinder directly with no changes of it.