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古德温说,“它用预测打开你的眼界。"It opens your eyes within the precinct, " says Godwin.

战争结束后,戈德温回到剑桥成为一名律师。The war over, Godwin returned from Cambridge to become a lawyer.

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戈德温变成政治激进主义者主要是受他的影响。He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism.

Godwin当时在苏格兰场的外面发表他的讲话,一个路人向他大叫表示自己的不满。As he spoke outside Scotland Yard, Godwin was shouted at by a passerby.

古德温•恩娜娜写到,这是值得称赞的,但是他们错过了一个机会。This is laudable, writes Godwin Nnanna, but they missed an opportunity.

皮特•戈德温决意自己不想再被牵扯进这类法律中去。Peter Godwin decided he did not want to be involved in this kind of law.

生命有时是一位严厉的导师,但亦永是最好的导师。Life can sometimes be a hard teacher, but it is always the best teacher. "- Godwin Samararatne".

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戈德温被控告成“非洲黑人的宠儿”,不过很快又成为那个为了争夺白人霸权而成立的军队一员。Godwin was accused of being a kaffir-lover, but soon was part of the army created to fight for white supremacy.

在一块由皮特•戈德温看守的中立区域,村外路上的一颗地雷炸到了一辆卡车,而皮特就在车内。In an area nursed by Peter Godwin to neutrality, a mine on a road outside a village blew up a lorry, with him in it.

同时利物浦官方已经宣布预备队的胡特、安特维、罗克和马克凯-史蒂芬已经离队。Meanwhile, the Reds have announced that youngsters Ronald Huth, Godwin Antwi, Miki Roque and Gary MacKay Steven have been released.

但是古德温说这个软件确实针对提前预测流氓、毒品买卖和其他非法行为。But the software does aim to forecast burglaries, drug sales, gang violence, and other illegal acts before they take place, says Godwin.

Godwin是一个享有盛名的哲学家和改革家,后来证明在智力上和政治上配得上沃斯通克拉夫特。Godwin was at the height of his fame as a philosopher and reformer, and proved a match for Wollstonecraft intellectually and politically.

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约翰·里勃说话斯文,是弗吉尼亚州利奇蒙市歌文高级中学的测试负责人。John Ribble, a soft-spoken gentleman responsible for testing at Godwin High School in Richmond, Virginia, held out my son's answers to a reading test.

在星期二的英甲联赛中赫里福德面对前英超利兹联,利物浦青年队双星安特维和皮特-格拉希斯的出色的表现帮助球队赢得比赛的胜利。Liverpool duo Godwin Antwi and Peter Gulacsi put in impressive displays to help loan side Hereford United sink former Premier League giants Leeds on Tuesday.

有一个值得注意的一幕,皮特•戈德温负责保护正在视察战场的伊安•史密斯,而戈德温连站着都在幻想着杀死这个拒绝结束这场必败之战的人。There is a remarkable scene in which Peter Godwin guards Ian Smith who is visiting the arenas of war, and he stands dreaming of killing this man who will not let the unwinnable war end.