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小叮当可以和我们一起去大陆地吗?Can't Tink come with us to the mainland?

叮叮铃说,影子是在那只大箱子里,她指的是那只带抽屉的柜子。Tink said that the shadow was in the big box.

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俺觉得不错!从来没人给俺起过名字。I tink dats nice! Nobody never gave ME a name.

但叮儿真的比她58年前更性感了吗?But is Tink really sexier than she was 58 years ago?

叮儿现在有了一帮子媚惑的小仙女伙伴跟随着。Tink has since gathered an entourage of fellow flirtatious fairies.

“叮铃铃”上课铃响了,我们下了科学课纷纷都回到教室。"Tink bell" the bell rang, we have all the science class back to class.

我当时呢,就坐下来想了想,最后就得出答案了咯。So what I do was, I sit down and I tink tink tink, until I get answer lor.

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唯一源于人类的声响来自于泥瓦匠的凿子,不断的叮当声回荡在冷冽的空气中。The only human sounds are the constant tink, tink, tink of the masons' chisels ringing in the chill air.

如果你想继续学习,耶鲁真的是一个不错的选择。我觉得以你的实力,申请耶鲁鲁大学也不成问题。Yale is really an ideal university to further your study. And I tink you deserve it for your competence.

教学改革是高校改革的主要内容之一,而其中教学方式的改革又是重要的一个环节。Teaching reform is one of the main contents of higher school reform, of which the reform of teaching pattern is a key tink.

温蒂.安德森说,町克在邻居的露营车下发现这名嫌犯的踪影,并一路追到森林里。温蒂的儿子是这只狗的主人。Tink found him hiding under a neighbor's motor home and chased him into the woods, said Wendy Anderson. The dog belongs to her son.