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古董杰里马奥尼假人。An antique Jerry Mahoney dummy.

如有人问起,你就装哑巴。If anyone asks you, just dummy up.

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一半埋入泥土中的卡车是掩体。A dummy is half truck in the ground.

但是这些虚拟文字会很危险。But dummy text can be dangerous too.

打方块牌,名家就可以出王牌压。A diamond lead allows a ruff in dummy.

明手放掉了首攻的黑桃8。The opening spade 8 is ducked in dummy.

一问到他,他总是不吱声。When questioned, he invariably dummy up.

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虚拟文字是隔在你和现实之间的面纱。Dummy text is a veil between you and reality.

善学者,假人之长以补其短。Good learners, dummy long to make up the short.

捡球者不能延迟捡球。The dummy half can not delay picking up the ball.

这个虚拟的设备还可以用于其他测试。The dummy device can also be used for other tests.

飞船使用虚拟动画做出一个曲线运动。The boats are animated on a path curve using a dummy.

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男孩们用木头做的假木剑玩打仗游戏。The boys played soldier with dummy swords made of wood.

这将使用一个虚拟异常事件调用程序。This will call the program with a dummy exception event.

一箭双仿真星,其后中国分六次共发射了12颗铱星。One of the 2 dummy satellites launched by a single rocket.

好吧,我猜你可以拿个假人或者别的什么东西来试一试。Well, I guess you could do this with a dummy or something.

他强调他从来没有机会在一个假体上实践一下做心脏复苏术。He added that he never had a chance to practice on a dummy.

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现在需要把假日期更新成即时值。You'll now need to update your "dummy" date to live values.

没有印度的假民主和种姓制度,中国还是很好的。China is happy without India's dummy democracy and casteism.

这可能类似于海军里虚假的监视摄像机。It could be the naval equivalent of a dummy security camera.