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忘不了你的迷惑。Your unforgettable mystify.

他在试图迷惑对手。He was trying to mystify his opponent.

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自杀事件以及如何阻止自杀让郭台铭困惑不已。The suicides and how to stop them mystify Gou.

他没多少时间,至少他的动机令大家迷惑。His timing was poor, to say the least, and his motives will mystify many.

这就是为什么专业交易者看见的事和做的事都让别人迷惑不解。That's why professionals can see and do things that mystify everyone else.

之所以导致这种恐慌,部分原因得归咎于编译者的故弄玄虚。The reason for this panic, in part because the compiler was attributed to mystify.

不过,也会有观众觉得故事太矫情,导演故弄玄虚。However, the audience will feel that the story is too hypocritical, director mystify.

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这位总统行事如此怪异,以至令批评者和支持者都困惑不已。The President's actions are so bizarre that they mystify his critics and supporters alike.

“移民倾向于美化并神秘化自己国家的事情,”他说。“Immigrants tend to beautify and mystify a lot of things in their home countries, ” he said.

当然,如果有一些实在难以理解,你也可以暂停和回放。Of course, you can pause and rewind the film if there are certain bits that really mystify you.

弓对古老瘟疫、力量迷惑和您自己的内在邪魔治疗的异想天开。Bow to the whims of an ancient plague, the power to mystify and a cure of your own inner demons.

将毛像神化商化并加紧帝国复辟的速度是中共第二战略的基点组成。To commercialize and mystify Mao and China's first emperor is an important ingredient in the Communist strategy.

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包括星空模拟、变幻线、多彩曲线、滚动字幕和黑屏等屏幕保护程序。Includes Flying Through Space, Mystify Your Mind, Curves and Colors, Scrolling Marquee, and Blank Screen screen savers.

然而我告诉你这种标点还有色彩之分,也许你会接近迷茫也许你会以为我在故弄玄虚。But I tell you that there are colors of punctuation points, maybe you will be close to you may be confused that I mystify.

我辩解说我不喜欢故意把事情神秘化或误导人,他的回答是,其实我还是在用各种方法误导每一个人。I argued that I did not like to deliberately mystify people or mislead them. His reply was that I misled everybody anyway.

这位美国司铎的决定很可能令堂区的男孩与女孩感到困惑不解并与教会疏离,更不用说成年人了。That American priest’s decision will probably mystify and alienate both the girls and boys of his parish, not to mention the adults.

中国及其庞大的人口正在吸引着众多的海外消费品牌,但如何才能充分利用中国正在崛起的中产阶级不断增长的财富,依然令人困惑。China and its massive population are drawing many overseas consumer brands, but how to get a chunk of the rising wealth of its growing middle class continues to mystify.

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视错觉激发我们的想象力也使之更为神秘费解,但事实上它们也告诉我们,我们所看到的这个世界并不一定就是我们看到的那个样子,而很大一部分是取决于我们的大脑。Optical illusions mystify and inspire our imagination, but in truth they show us that how we see the world is not necessarily physically accurate, but rather depends a lot on our brains.