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地中海的明珠。The Mediterranean jewel.

珠宝放在珠宝箱里。The jewels go in the jewel box.

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美好的品德乃是无价宝。Virtue is a jewel of great price.

我把我的钻石放在首饰盒里。I keep my diamond in the jewel case.

⑤产品上镶嵌水钻、LOGO等。Insets jewel and LOGO in the products.

你的王冠上最珍贵的一颗宝石…The most precious jewel in your crown.

她昨天买了一只漂亮的珠宝盒。She bought a nice jewel case yesterday.

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瓦尔克是来自阿姆斯特丹的珠宝窃贼。Walker is a jewel thief form Amsterdam.

又是史上一大珠宝抢劫案。One of the largest jewel heists in history.

他张开手给我看掌上的一颗小宝石。He showed me a small jewel on his open hand.

以及沙漠中的珠宝之城-鲁。高因。And the Jewel City of the Desert, Lut Gholein.

这幅油画是我藏画中最为宝贵的一幅。The oil painting is the jewel of my collection.

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UCU是乌克兰教育系统中的一颗明珠。UCU is a jewel in Ukraine's educational system.

唉,怎能够不被收进时光的宝箱?Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid?

盗贼撬开了那位太太的珠宝箱上的锁。The thieves forced the lock of the lady's jewel case.

但朱厄尔先生对爷爷的生气毫不在乎。But Grandfather's anger meant nothing to Mister Jewel.

他们把珠宝盗窃犯从那个岛国引渡回来。They extradited the jewel thief from the island state.

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有了这颗宝石,那个妇人就可以买药给她的孩子吃了。With the jewel the woman can buy medicine for the boy.

所以请你从我的衬衫摘下一颗宝石,飞送到那户人家。Please take a jewel from my shirt and fly to the house.

阴蒂头就是阴蒂系统的“王冠之珠”。The glans are the "crown jewel" of the clitoral system!