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一只扫帚可怕地扫尽。A broom is drearily sweeping.

这种狂热正席卷日本。The craze is sweeping over Japan.

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凯扬波山谷的风景如画。Sweeping landscape of Cayambe Valley.

我们生活在一个普遍发生变化的时代。We live in a time of sweeping change.

小学生们正在扫去积雪。The pupils are sweeping away the snow.

辅助雷达没有扫描线。The second radar has no sweeping line.

帷幕降下,树丛间掌声雷动。Applause is sweeping through the trees.

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他的快速单手勾球投篮得分了。He scored with a sweeping one-handed hook.

探照灯在夜空中扫掠。Searchlights are sweeping in the night sky.

但是这个多数意见的措辞意义广泛深远。But the language of the opinion was sweeping.

经过多年腐败,我想新官上任需要新人和新的概念。I think a new broom sweeping clean is needed.

你清明节有放假吗?Do you have holidays on Tomb Sweeping Festival?

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清扫和洒水也是可选的。Sweeping and water wash-down are other options.

不断升温的健身热潮正席卷整个中国。A growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China.

漫天的大火把夜空映了个通红。The night sky was reddened by the sweeping fire.

通常的做法是扫走地毯上的碳,当它产生的时候。Sweeping the carbon under the carpet, as it were.

银行家脱下帽子,一躬到地。The banker doffed his hat and made a sweeping bow.

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晋商文化的魅力席卷全国。Shanxi Merchants culture sweeping the country charm.

当和风兴奋地涤荡污垢时,它就是风暴。When peace is active sweeping its dirt, it is storm.

他们在把小径上的枯树叶扫在一起。They were sweeping up the dead leaves from the paths.