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我认为你的丈夫应该使移民合法化。I think your husband should legalize immigration.

他所能做的就是目睹这一市场的成功运作后将其合法化。All he had to do was legalize it after its success was obvious.

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对某些方面而言,此等插曲只不过恰恰说明加强立法使器官贸易合法化的必要性。For some, such anecdotes only reinforce the need to legalize organ sales.

一些中年的妇女,更是不理解,她们说,“合法?Some middle-aged women were even less understanding, saying "legalize it?"

2009年,墨西哥城成为拉丁美洲第一个使同性婚姻合法化的城市。Mexico City became the first city in Latin America to legalize gay marriage in 2009.

1995年以来,政府颁布有关规定将养犬合法化,北京也迎来了一波畜养宠物的热潮。But then came the pet boom as Beijing brought in licenses to legalize pet ownership in 1995.

龚先生等批评者认为,物权法将使这些非法使用合法化。Critics like Mr. Gong have argued that the property law would legalize such misappropriations.

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本月,犹他州成为美国将金银硬币定为法定货币的第一州。Utah became the first state in the country this month to legalize gold and silver coins as currency.

这对伴侣也因此成为马萨诸塞州同性婚姻大辩论中的公众人物,该州在美国最先承认同性婚姻合法化。The couple became the public face of the debate in the state, the first to legalize same-sex marriages.

与之相反,西德在未来相当长的时间里都无法使任何形式的安乐死合法化。West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to legalize any form of euthanasia for a long time to come.

最近,英国属地曼岛政府做出一个有争议的决定——使安乐死合法化。S. A. Recently, the government on the Isle of Man has made a much debated decision to legalize euthanasia.

今天,在新罕布夏,州长通过了一项可能有助于同性婚姻合法化的法案。Today in New Hampshire, the state Senate approved a bill that would help legalize same-sex marriage. Yeah.

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教师任用资格与在职进修日益制度化、法律化。II. It increasingly systematizes and legalize that the teachers are appointed and they study with incumbency.

但那些组织活动想要使安乐死合法化的人却说从俄勒冈州的数据来看却表现了相反的情况。But those who are campaigning to legalize euthanasia say that figures such as those from Oregon show the opposite.

首先,不要在宣传中把同性婚姻和跨种族婚姻相提并论。First, comparing the struggles of legalizing interracial marriage with those to legalize gay marriage is a bad idea.

然后,笔者会试图对NPR-PPM在WTO内合法化的具体途径做出选择,并对相关的立法提出适当建议。The author will also try to choose the appropriate way to legalize NPR-PPM in WTO and advise the proper legislation.

这一决定令土地交易合法化,可能成为打破村庄首领权力和堕落的途径。The decision to legalize land trades may really be a way to break the power and corruption of these village chieftains.

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让土地流转合法化的决定可能真的是打破村领导的权力和腐败的办法。The decision to legalize land trades may really be a way to break the power and corruption of these village chieftains.

蒋介石于1975年逝世,由他的儿子蒋经国最终成功决定使得这项政见合法化。Chiang died in1975 and was succeeded by his son, Chiang Ching-kuo, who eventually took the decision to legalize dissent.

蒋介石于1975年逝世,由他的儿子蒋经国最终成功决定使得这项政见合法化。Chiang died in1975 and was succeeded by his son, Chiang Ching-kuo, who eventually took the decision to legalize dissent.