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电视电话?。VP? Video Phone?

我们应该花多少代价请一个业务拓展副总裁?What should we pay a vp of biz dev?

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垂体切除,VP含量变化?Do excision , VP contents change a hypophysis?

消息灵通人士说,希拉里从来没有上过奥巴马的副总统名单。Insiders say Hillary was never on Obama's VP list.

副总理李克强就医改向专家咨询意见。VP solicits expert opinions on health care reform.

但是明天我有一个和副总裁的早餐会啊。But I have a breakfast meeting with the VP tomorrow.

他并不认为这是想让这位副总监脱离干系。He didn't think of it as letting the VP off the hook.

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穆巴拉克向副总统部分交权拒绝辞职。Mubarak hands over power to VP without stepping down.

莎拉·佩林被选为麦凯恩的副总统候选人。Sarah Palin is chosen as John McCain 's VP candidate.

动词前置是自然语言中的一项重要移动现象。VP fronting is one important type of movement in natu.

VP免疫反应产物散在分布于胞浆内。The VP immunoreactive products are located in the cytoplasm.

在中国,前谷歌副总裁,李开复,是成功的典范。Former VP of Google, Kai-Fu Lee is an icon of success in China.

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那个“卢比河,”他说道,“在你成为副总裁的时候会被跨越。”" That "Rubicon," he has said, "is crossed when you become a VP.

王艾明牧师,神学教授,神学博士,金陵协和神学院副院长。Rev. Prof. Dr. Aiming Wang, VP. Nanjing Union Theological Seminary.

我会把自己的名头从培训部副主管换成‘核心能力’副主管。I’m changing my title from VP of training to VP of core capabilities.

董事会推荐的人选真的是最佳的副总裁候选人吗?Is that really the best VP candidate despite your board's recommendation?

探讨了柳茎中变异电波传递的途径及传递机制。The way and mechanism of transmission of VP in willow stem were discussed.

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“没有VP之前”是由否定标记、动词性成分和时间标记组成的结构。"Meiyou VP Zhiqian" is formed by negative mark, verbal part and time mark.

副总裁临已宣布签署了美国越野赛车乔治的T细雨'德雷克。VP Pro have announced the signing of US off road racer George 'T-Mizzle' Drake.

我的老板给我升职到副总,但没涨薪水或福利,好像没升职一样。My boss gave me a no-motion as I was promoted to VP but still receiving the same pay!