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结果羊膜移植片生长良好。Results Amniotic membrane xenograft grown well.

异种肝移植免疫排斥反应中脾脏的作用。The role of spleen in rejection of concordant liver xenograft.

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在A549异体移植模型中二者共同作用也诱导了凋亡。The combination also induced apoptosis in the A549 xenograft model.

以裸鼠移植瘤试验检测体内致瘤性的影响。The xenograft in nude mice was performed to examine the effect of tumorigenicity.

免疫抑制剂FK506能有效地抑制周围神经同种异体和异种移植中的排斥反应。FK506 can suppress the rejection of xenoma and xenograft effectively in the peripheral nerve.

软琼脂集落形成及裸鼠移植瘤试验检测两个亚群克隆能力的区别。The clonogenesis ability of the two groups was tested by soft agarose assay and nude mice xenograft model.

骨缺损的主要治疗方法如自体骨移植、同种异体骨移植、异种骨移植等都存在一定的缺陷。However, there are several drawbacks to the commonly used methods, such as autograft, allograft and xenograft.

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在体内可有效抑制裸鼠移植瘤的生长,加速肿瘤细胞的坏死和凋亡。It also can inhibit growth of xenograft tumor in athymic mice, accelerate necrosis and apoptosis of tumor cells.

目的为研究超急性排斥反应及对策,建立异种胰腺移植模型。Objective To establish a guinea pig to rat pancreaticoduodenal xenograft model for studying hyperacute rejection.

目的建立人体胎儿小肠裸鼠异种培育模型,以用于人体小肠发育分化等的研究。Objective To set up a human fetal intestine nude mouse xenograft model for the study of human intestine development.

采用人K562耐药及敏感裸鼠移植瘤模型测定该微型双功能抗体介导的体内靶向杀伤活性及其不良反应。The killing activity and ill effect of the antibody were analyzed by human K562 drug resistance and sensitive nude mouse xenograft model.

当时大家的想法是,进行细胞移植,从自体,也就是病人自己的身体上,或者异体移植皮肤,从动物或是尸体上。The general concept was to do cell transplants from either autograft, so from some place in your own body, or xenograft an animal, or a cadaver.

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制造兔甲状软骨缺损模型,于缺损处分别植入肌肉、单纯异种骨及重组合骨。The models of thyroid cartilage defect were established a nd then muscle, bone xenograft and RBX were implanted into the three groups respectively.

此外,PZQ与PTX结合会导致更加明显地抑制肿瘤的生长相比在鼠移植瘤模型中的其它单独用药。Moreover, PZQ combined with PTX resulted in a more pronounced inhibition of tumor growth compared with either drug alone in a mouse xenograft model.

霍普金斯研究小组在霍普金斯医院就诊的40名非转移性胰腺癌病人身上进行了异种移植小鼠模型的临床试验。The Hopkins group is conducting a clinical trial of the xenograft model in 40 patients undergoing surgery at Johns Hopkins for non-metastatic pancreas cancer.

大约在同一时间,Mitchell等人将人前列腺癌细胞输入作为异种移植物模型的小鼠体内,从而证明了循环中含有肿瘤来源的microRNA。used a mouse xenograft model where a human prostate cancer cell line was implanted into mice to show that there were tumor-derived miRNAs circulating in blood.

此外,接受利鲁唑治疗的异种移植的黑色素瘤模型,利鲁唑即一种GRM1阻滞剂,研究显示,与对照组相比,利鲁唑治疗组可以阻碍肿瘤的生长。Furthermore, a xenograft model of melanoma treated with riluzole, an oral GRM1 blocking agent, showed decreased tumor growth compared with the untreated controls.

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相比较而言,被截短的前病毒序列有逆转录转座作用,能够导致异种移植物以及被感染的人类细胞的插入突变。In contrast, there are truncated proviral sequences that have the capacity to retrotranspose, causing insertional mutagenesis in the xenograft and in infected human cells.

在豚鼠—大鼠异种心脏移植中,给以眼镜蛇毒因子以避免发生超急性排斥反应,制作延迟性排斥反应模型。In guinea pig to rat heart xenotransplantation model, cobra venom factor is administrated to avoid hyperacute rejection, and thus delayed xenograft rejection model is made.

这里总结工程覆盖的先天免疫和适应性免疫反应以及克服它们,从而防止异种移植排斥反应的策略。The works summarized here cover both the innate and adaptative cellular immune response as well as strategies to overcome them and consequently prevent xenograft rejection.