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我们都在等他讲一些具有重要意义的话。We're all waiting for Havel to say something fundamental.

施普雷河和哈韦尔河流经该市。Vaclav Havel and Spree River and the river through the city.

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自从我表哥到了美国,我就和他失去了联系。Since my cousin went to the States, I havel ost track of him.

我试图想象出当时杜布切克和哈维尔出现在群众面前的情景。I tried to picture the moment when Dubcek and Havel appeared before the crowd.

但正如奥威尔和哈维尔认识到的那样,这类索然无味的辞令并非无害。But, as Orwell and Mr Havel realised, these vapid expression_rs are not harmless.

瓦科拉夫·哈维尔从一个戏剧作家变为了国家命运的书写者。Vaclav Havel transitioned from a writer of plays to the writer of his country's destiny.

瓦科拉夫·哈维尔从一个戏剧作家变为了国家命运的书写者。Vaclav Havel transitioned from a writer of plays to the writer of his country’s destiny.

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哈韦尔带我去了某一家爵士乐俱乐部。那家俱乐部曾是他发起的天鹅绒革命的支持者的温床。Havel took me to one of the jazz clubs that had been hotbeds of support for his Velvet Revolution.

勃兰登堡德国东北部一城市,位于柏林的西南以西哈弗尔河畔。A city of northeast Germany on the Havel River west-southwest of Berlin. It is an industrial center.

勃兰登堡德国东北部一城市,位于柏林的西南以西哈弗尔河畔。是一个工业中心。人口95,133。Germany on the Havel River west-southwest of Berlin. It is an industrial center. Population, 95, 133.

前捷克总统哈韦尔的名字也出现在支持总统赦免政治犯的信函中。Former Czech President Vaclav Havel is listed on the letter to Mr. Medvedev as a supporter of a pardon.

几天后,瓦茨拉夫·哈韦尔来华盛顿进行国事访问,向媒体表示,我是他伟大的朋友。A few days later, Vclav Havel came to Washington for a state visit, telling the press I was his great friend.

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前总统比尔·克林顿和前捷克总统瓦克拉夫·哈维尔在布拉格市中心的金老虎酒吧。Former President Bill Clinton and former Czech President Vaclav Havel at the Golden Tiger pub in central Prague.

德国东北部一城市,位于柏林的西南以西哈弗尔河畔。是一个工业中心。人口95,33。A city of northeast Germany on the Havel River west-southwest of Berlin. It is an industrial center. Population, 95,33.

勃兰登堡德国东北部一城市,位于柏林的西南以西哈弗尔河畔。是一个工业中心。人口95,133。A city of northeast Germany on the Havel River west-southwest of Berlin. It is an industrial center. Population, 95, 133.

前捷克共和国前总统哈维尔参加天鹅绒革命20周年的纪念活动后接受记者采访。Former Czech Republic President Havel speaks to reporters after commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution.

我非常感谢哈韦尔总统最近在布拉格组织的一次对话式的讨论会。In this context, I am very grateful to President Havel for having organized a colloquium for dialogue recently here in Prague.

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捷克共和国首位总统哈维尔逝世,哀悼从世界各地如潮水般涌来。Tributes have been flooding in from around the world following the death of the Czech Republic's first President, Vaclav Havel.

该厂创建于捷克斯洛伐克战前第一个共和国时期,其创始人米洛什·哈维尔是现任捷克总统瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔的叔叔。It was founded during Czechoslovakia's pre-war first republic by Milos Havel, an uncle of the present Czech president, Vaclav Havel.

然而对其他当代政客不去触及的话题,作家、哲学家哈维尔却要发表见解。Yet elsewhere the writer and philosopher Havel makes observations on subjects no other politician of recent times would have touched.