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伊斯兰教的信徒或追随者。A believer or follower of Jainism.

一个追随者又会带来其他的追随者。One follower led to another, quite literally.

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公孙龙对这个新收的门客非常满意。Gong was very satisfied with the new follower.

传说中狄奥尼索斯的身边还有一个随从萨提尔。Dionysus legend around there is a follower Satir.

所以他的第一个追随者会起到关键作用。So here's his first follower with a crucial role.

我可以自称为一个基督徒,是跟随基督的人。I can claim to be a Christian, a follower of Christ.

那个家伙的黄色枕头被他的跟随者掏空了.The fellow’s yellow pillow is hollowed by his follower.

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当然,我也是植物性饮食的热心追随者。I'm largely a follower of a plant-based diet, of course.

你可以赠送特别优惠券给第1,000名粉丝或关注者。Offer a special coupon to your 1, 000th fan or follower.

只做一个快速的跟随者不能保证反应得足够快。You cannot react fast enough to just be a fast follower.

我是神的孩子,耶稣的追随者,并以此为荣。I am a child of God and a Jesus follower and proud of it.

领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新。Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

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年轻的艺术家宁愿做创造者,而不愿当随从者。The young artist will rather is a fashion than a follower.

采用集成电位跟随器作盘电极电流测试。A potential follower is used for measuring the disc current.

而当你被不确定的迷雾而遮住双眼时,你又会时常作一个坚定的跟随者。A follower when you are shrouded by the mists of uncertainty.

你要不跟随你的前跟随者,以此来报复他们吗?Should you repay the snub by unfollowing your former follower?

其中一个早期的追随者这样说“我喜欢一个老太太写博客”。"I love it when old ladies blog, " one early follower remarked.

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同时,你提升了他们的影响力和跟随者得分。Meanwhile, you contribute to their influence and follower tally.

杰克父母都信锡克教,他本人更是一个虔诚锡克教徒。Jack 's parents believe in Sikhism, and Jack is a pious follower.

本文研究了管子钳活动钳口断裂现象。The fracture of follower tongs holder of pipe pliers is analyzed.