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现在有更多的木材需要运输。There's more timber to tra ort now.

你认为乒乓球是一项户外运动吗?Would you co ider ping-pong an outdoor ort?

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安装文件共享和梦幻西游最低配置文件锁定的支持。I talls su ort for file sharing and file locking.

也许。我希望我有更多的时间做运动或者锻炼身体。A Perha . I wish I had more time for ort or exercise.

然而,许多交易需要的支持远多于此。Yet many tra actio require a lot more su ort than that.

在战网和游戏中美女天蚕变彻底支持韩语。Added full Korean language su ort for Battle. net and in-game.

你能保证这种包装客人说贵怎么办适合海运吗?Are you sure that such packing is suitable for tra ort by sea?

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以上这些都可以归罪于或归功于通信保障。All this above imputes or contributes to the communication su ort.

威尔逊家决定把橡胶种植园出租给当地人。The Wilsons decided to farm ort their rubber plantation to the natives.

研究大多不支持使用维生素C、紫锥花、锌治疗感冒。Most studies don't supp ort using vitamin C, echinacea or zinc as cold remedies.

配合工程部完成新设备的调试,并制定标准操作程序。Su ort the new equipment debugging with Engineering Dept, and establish the SOP.

某一侵权案件中所包含的权利与义务,或基于法令条例,或基于判例法而产生。The rights and duties involved in at ort case may arise from either statute or common law.

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柔道运动是嘉纳治五郎在19世纪80年代创立的,并且在1964年的东京奥运会上成为奥运会比赛项目。Developed by Dr Jigoro Kano in the 1880s, the ort broke into the Olympic Games in 1964 at Tokyo.

完善的售后服务体系和完善的售服团队时刻同客户保持密切的联络并随时提供技术支持。Our profe ional service team kee close contact with clients and su ly technical su ort at any time.

我们必须不断回归到基本的方向上,让自己的人生变得与众不同。We must keep coming back to those basics that make the biggest difference in how our life works ort.

如延伸、礅粗、热剪、锻接、扭转和弯曲等。使用开式垫模可以进行各种模锻。It can out such processes as drawing ort upsetting piercing. hot-shearing, forge-welding, bending, etc.

在古代奥运会中断1500年后,现代奥运会于1896年兴起,摔跤也随即找回了在奥运会中的位置。The ort would return in a similar role when the Olympic Games returned after a 1500-year a ence in 1896.

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墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常天下贰领奖激活码要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for su ort.

很多家长为孩子选择特许加盟店,因为加盟店看来会提供市场推广、品牌打造和管理方面的支持。Many parents choose franchises for their kids because they seem to offer marketing, branding and management su ort.

天津海铁联捷国际物流有限公司成立于2007年,并在莫斯科、上海、青岛及满洲里设有分支机构。SWIFT Tra ort International Logistics was set up in 2007 and has offices in Moscow, Shanghai, Qingdao and Manzhouli.