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这东西有薄荷味。It tastes of mint.

或者是薄荷味的?Or, how about Mint?

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鼠尾草、薄荷均为药草。Sage and mint are herbs.

用胡椒薄荷油调味的糖果。A candy flavored with mint.

BOBO永在,薄荷最爱。BOBO everlasting love, mint.

造币厂正在铸造每枚价值一便士的硬币。The mint is coining pennies.

我总是吃薄荷巧克力味的。I always get mint chocolate chip.

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加一片薄荷叶装饰即可享用。Garnish with mint leave and serve.

有太多的项目了。The mint juleps taste way too good.

小羊排,茄子,洋蓟,薄荷。Lamb Loin, Eggplant, Artichoke, Mint.

烤羊肉配上薄荷酱汁味道很好。Mint sauce goes well with roast lamb.

他们从希腊人那里学会铸币。They learned to mint from the Greeks.

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菊花茶,薄荷茶,黑莓茶。Chamomile, Mint Medley, Blackberry and.

它有一个稻草,和薄荷朱利普小枝。It has a straw, and mint Julep branchlets.

配酸辣酱或腌制洋葱一起食用更佳!Serve with Mint Chutney or Pickled Onions.

顽皮的薄荷又在麻包袋中跑出来。The mint is so naughty and out of control.

我有个表兄弟在美国造币厂工作。I had a cousin who worked in the U. S. Mint.

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新奥尔良铸币厂在1876年被用作为实验室重新开放。The mint reopened as an assay office in 1876.

加入干白,薄荷或百里香,盐,胡椒粉。Add the wine, mint or thyme, salt, and pepper.

也可以少量加点迷迭香与薄荷,一起来泡茶。Brew into tea with a little rosemary and mint.