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制定一份计划表。Set a schedule.

我们没有作息时间表。We have no schedule.

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制定一个清晰的日程安排表。Have a clear schedule.

我要一个火车时刻表。I need a train schedule.

检查你的时间表.Look your schedule over.

制定一个跑步安排表。Make a walking schedule.

列车现在正点吗?Is the train on schedule?

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我想要一份火车时刻表好吗?I'd like a train schedule?

让我看看我的日程安排。Let me check my schedule.

你有计划表吗?Do you maintain a schedule?

我已事先做好一份计划表。R I made a schedule earlier.

我知道你日程排得很满。I know you're on a schedule.

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我心想“小忙”难不成要我免费劳动”我告诉她我的日程已经排的很满。I said I had a full schedule.

我会给你我们的日程表。I will give you our schedule.

是否有写作业的计划表?Is there a homework schedule?

你看列车时刻表。Let me show you our schedule.

看看你的一周时间表。Look at your weekly schedule.

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火车晚点了。The train is behind schedule.

货物已如期运到。The goods arrived on schedule.

保持你的计划表的弹性。Be flexible with your schedule.