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从不敷衍?And will not palter?

不要敷衍我!Don't palter with me!

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不要隐瞒事实。Don't palter with the truth.

他对事实不应说得模棱两可。He should not palter with the truth.

你干吗去和杂志打交道?Why should you palter with magazines?

你不应该歪曲事实。You should not palter with the truth.

先生!我这样是敷衍不下去的。Mister, i cannot palter with this any more.

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不要马马虎虎地对待这个问题,好好回答。Don't palter with this question, answer it properly.

他不应该随随便便地对待生死攸关的决定。He shouldn't palter with a decision involving life and death.

请马上预备回答我的问题,不要含糊其辞。Please answer my questions quickly and properly, not palter with them.

为了获得表扬,逃避惩罚,幼儿逐渐学会了自制和忍受、迎合与伪装、迂回与讨价还价。In order to get accomplishment and to avoid punishment children learn self-control, tolerance, disguise, outflank and palter.

文中所用方法是普遍适用的,对各种可能的基流模型都可获得其不稳定性判据。The method suggested in this palter is universal for obtaining criteria of instability in all models with all possible basic flows.

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想要的生活其实非常简单,追逐它的路途却迂回反复,但是生命的时日如水流逝,没有任何人可以敷衍。The life I want is actually quite simple, yet the road has many detours to take, but I know the time for life flows like water, no one can just palter with it.

老公一遍遍地问我感觉怎样,看他有种兴奋而得意的样子,我不忍拂他的意,含糊其词地说还凑合吧。Husband ask me the feeling everywhere how, see he is gutty and excited and complacent look, I cannot bear stroke his meaning, palter ground says to still make do with.

他把巫婆看作「使用双重意义的话来对我们含糊其辞」的人,显然知道她们是「奴臣」,受役于邪神力量,不会是好东西。He regards the witches as beings "that palter to us with a double sense", apparently quite aware that they are " servile ministers", in thrall to the force of evil and can mean no good.